This kind of super self-confidence is reflected in the dressing, which is the popular "big woman style" at the moment: the style is simple and smooth, the color is calm and calm, without too many feminine elements, it all depends on the wearer's temperament.

There is a type of women whose beauty is free and unrestrained; in their eyes, they regard issues such as skin color, appearance, figure, and age that confuse most women.

Yi Gengyuan Cotton and Linen Clothing

This kind of super self-confidence is reflected in dressing, which is the popular "big woman style": simple and smooth styles, calm colors, without too many feminine elements, all because of The wearer's temperament flows freely.

Yigengyuan cotton and linen clothing

A crisp and stylish business-like dress with chic and smooth lines and a straightforward style. Combined with high-end minimalist colors such as black, white and gray, it best reflects the appearance and well-dressed look of grown-up women. Features.

The elegance of a big woman's style is very expressive. It is different from the shy and coquettish attitude of a little woman. Her every gesture is full of charm and exudes a sense of power.

Yi Gengyuan cotton and linen clothing

No style is static, it will take on thousands of postures according to the wearer's status. With her head held high and her chest held high, her head raised, her chest raised, her head lowered and her brows lowered, her face is shy and coquettish. The beauty of a woman is never single.

The coolness and toughness of black clothing are simply made for big women. Different from deliberately flaunting trendy fashion, with a mature woman who has accumulated experience, she wears minimalist high-end beauty.

Yi Gengyuan Cotton and Linen Clothing

No matter how powerful a woman is, when she wears a skirt, the gentle expressions of her eyebrows and eyes are all gentle and silent words, expressing her restrained, mature, steady and dignified style in a low-key manner.

has the same color all over, but the differences in details are more important. Color difference, material, and accessories are all highlights. Pair it with a pair of classic high-heeled shoes to live up to your beauty and aura.

Yi Gengyuan cotton and linen clothing

has style and style, and has an overall look that does not neglect the details. It seems simple, but it is the result of careful balancing of ; it seems to be added randomly, but there are rules to follow.

When wearing feminine style, don’t get too hung up on trivial contradictions such as thinness, proportion, and fair skin. What it wants is self-confidence, what it strengthens is atmosphere, and it is also a manifestation of ’s inner strength.

Yigengyuan Cotton and Linen’s Home Page - Guangxi Yigengyuan Clothing Co., Ltd. - Douyin