Many friends have this question, what should I do if the amber wax that I have worn for a long time is dirty? Especially for some sculptured pieces, the gaps are easily contaminated with gray layers. How should we deal with this situation? Today, I will teach you some simple dail

Many friends have this question, What should I do if the amber beeswax that I have worn for a long time is dirty? Especially for some sculptured pieces, the gaps are easily contaminated with gray layers. How should we deal with this situation?

Today, I will teach you some simple beeswax daily cleaning methods.

1. You can soak it properly

If you sweat too much when wearing it in summer, the beeswax can easily stain the gray layer. can be soaked in warm water with a neutral detergent, or add appropriate salt to the water to soak it, and then use After rubbing your hands clean, wipe it with a soft cotton cloth.

2. Brush

appropriately. If there is a gray layer in the gaps between the carved parts and cannot be wiped off with a cotton cloth, can be lightly brushed with a soft-bristled toothbrush, then rinsed clean with water, and finally wiped clean with a soft cotton cloth.

Of course, if our beeswax is neither carved nor too dirty, we can rinse it directly with clean water, and then wipe it dry with a soft towel. Cleaning is actually relatively simple, but amber beeswax is inherently fragile, so in addition to cleaning, we should pay more attention to the maintenance of .

Speaking of maintenance, let’s also talk about the precautions for beeswax!

1. Avoid bumping and store it separately

The essence of beeswax is resin fossil . Although it is a fossil, it is resin itself, so it is difficult to form a harder substance. Therefore, should not be hit by external force, and attention should be paid to avoid dropping from a high place.

Secondly, beeswax is relatively brittle, and the collision of hard objects may cause the beeswax to break. Therefore, when storing or wearing beeswax, you should keep it away from hard objects to avoid harming the beeswax.

2. Avoid contact with acid and alkaline substances

Amber is an organic matter and is easily soluble in organic solvents. Some strong acid and alkali chemicals are corrosive to it.

Therefore, try not to come into contact with organic solutions such as alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, nail polish, perfume, hair spray, and pesticides. Once exposed to the above liquids, it will cause irreparable damage in terms of color, gloss, oiliness, texture, etc.

Friends who wear beeswax should remove the beeswax when using these things to avoid contact with such substances.

3. Avoid high temperatures

The melting point of beeswax is very low. Long-term high temperature may cause the oil on the surface of the beeswax to be dried, resulting in cracks. Excessive temperature difference will also cause irreversible damage to the beeswax.

Therefore, when wearing beeswax, you should try to avoid being close to high temperature sources for a long time. Don't expose it to the hot sun for a long time, or place it next to a stove, especially for common winter activities such as hot springs and sauna. It's best not to bring beeswax with you.

The oil secreted by the human body can keep amber bright. The longer you wear it, the better the gloss of its surface becomes. If you buy it, wear it once and then throw it away, amber will become dull over time.

So a common saying is: the best way to maintain amber is to wear it for a long time.

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