Continuous breakthroughs in digital technology and continuous improvements in practical applications are attracting more and more textile and clothing companies and clothing people to join. Digital technology and applications starting from fabrics not only make collaborative desi

The continuous breakthroughs in digital technology and the continuous improvements in practical applications are attracting more and more textile and clothing companies and clothing people to join. Digital technology and applications starting from fabrics not only make collaborative design normal, but also have a profound impact on consumption patterns, allowing consumption to shift from traditional consumption to customized consumption.

Accurate trends On-demand production

Relying on big data, cloud computing , artificial intelligence , virtual reality and other digital technologies, data analysis in the textile and clothing industry is playing an increasingly forward-looking role. From the prediction of fashion trends, to the creation of hot products, to market consumption insights... the traditional product development process has embarked on a path to keep up with market changes more quickly amid drastic changes.

If in the past, brands determined the production volume of products for the current season after roughly assessing sales and market trends over the years, and big data makes this "assessment" more referential and precise, then, fabric digital technology and applications The breakthrough is to allow production to truly move towards "on-demand production".

When the properties of digital fabrics reach high-definition simulation, the effect of digital garments will become more intuitive and simulated, and the "pre-sale" model that does not require samples of clothing will emerge. At present, ultra-high-precision 3D digital fabric simulation technology is used to collect real fabric data, and then virtualization of the fabric is realized through the AI ​​physics engine. The virtual garments generated are highly similar to the real ones. Virtual garments like

can not only conduct virtual fittings, 3D catwalks, 3D exhibition halls, live broadcasts, and virtual store displays, but can also be directly launched online for pre-sale and testing of garments without samples. On the one hand, it saves the cost and time of intermediate links such as cutting fabrics, sewing, and repeatedly modifying sample clothes, and reduces the risk of enterprise inventory backlog. On the other hand, enterprises can analyze the market for this product based on real-time detection of browsing, clicks, and sales data. recognition, so as to carry out targeted production arrangements and subsequent advertising and marketing.

It is difficult to tell the difference between virtual sample clothes (left) and real clothes.

As the similarity between 3D sample clothes and physical samples continues to increase, the conversion rate of 3D sample clothes into bulk goods is also further improved, and is far higher Under the traditional model, the conversion rate of sample clothing and bulk goods with a pattern shop and pattern maker brand is high. In addition, the establishment of digital inventory of commonly used brand styles, fabrics, and accessories will also enable quick retrieval and quick modification, thereby further accelerating the efficiency of brands to add new colors, new patterns, and new patterns to a certain product, or to design new series. Giving consumers more choices also provides convenience for brands to eliminate cost concerns and test real market trends.

links to C-side personalized customization

In addition to relying on breakthroughs in fabric digital technology and applications to achieve 3D pre-sale testing, direct links to C-side personalized consumption customization are also market demands that cannot be ignored in the current digital age. Designing on demand, buying first and producing later, and making according to demand will become the main directions for the development of refined and digitally intelligent in the clothing industry.

With the development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, 5G, and more, there are more and more integrated software and hardware solutions that reconstruct store people, goods, and locations, and help brands and stores establish deep links with users. , such as smart shelves, VR fitting mirrors, VR fitting mirrors, etc. The emergence of these devices or technologies will realize the collection and integration of data in every step from store traffic, to entering the store to final payment. It will not only help store shopping guides to analyze consumer interests, preferences, purchasing intentions, and consumption in real time based on big data analysis. Level and other attributes can be used to recommend suitable ready-made clothes to customers. It can also perform digital customization based on human body data and attribute data such as face, body shape, height, and measurements collected on site.

Consumers can communicate directly with designers online and put forward personalized design requirements, and the back-end smart factory will also quickly carry out flexible production based on the corresponding data, eliminating the need to experience the long waiting time of traditional clothing customization and the human and material costs of several modifications. Really make the personalized consumption customization of one person, one version become a consumption model that can be popularized.

In recent years, more and more clothing and footwear companies have made personalized customization one of the focuses of new retail transformation.With the help of flexible supply chain, intelligent manufacturing upgrades, and constantly improving virtual simulation technology, when consumers take photos and upload photos in stores or even at home, the corresponding data information will be sent directly to the cloud, and subsequent fabric selection, style details and other personalized designs Providing requirements and trying on sample clothes can all be done online. And through 3D pattern-making design software that continues to lower the threshold, consumers can even directly participate in the design of 3D virtual sample clothes, change fabrics and modify details by themselves, and gain the sense of accomplishment of "designing clothes for themselves".

Whether it is pre-sale testing brought about by virtual ready-made garments, or personalized customization brought about by measuring technology and virtual fitting, as well as flexible production based on smart factories, the textile industry is becoming more colorful due to digitalization. Continue to pay attention to the Intertextile Textile Accessories Exhibition, where more industry digital development trends and digital technologies will be presented one by one.

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