Ms. Li from Suzhou lives a leisurely life. The weather has been hot recently, and she always feels uncomfortable in her shoulders and dizzy. She feels irritable. Looking at the old styles of clothes in her wardrobe, she wants to buy some clothes to make herself happy. So I asked

Ms. Li from in Suzhou leads a leisurely life.

The weather has been hot recently. She always feels uncomfortable in her shoulders and dizzy. She feels irritable. Looking at the old clothes in the wardrobe, she wants to buy some clothes to make herself happy.

So I asked my sisters to go shopping for clothes. When I went to the clothing store, I quickly picked out the clothes I liked. The little sisters said that they had a "venomous" vision and she noticed all the good-looking ones.

Ms. Li happily tried on clothes, but the effect was not as good as she imagined. No matter what she wore, she looked old-fashioned. The little sister said that maybe the clothes were not suitable, and then Ms. Li tried on several more clothes. Looks weird. Seeing my little sister looking really good in the clothes I just tried on, I felt dissatisfied. When she was tying up her hair, her little sister came over and said, "Why is there a rich bag on the back of your neck? No wonder your clothes can't work when you try them on!"

What is a rich bag? What does it do to the body? Influence:

Wealth bags. In the past, people were proud of this and thought that only people who had no worries about food and clothing would have it. So I gave it such a rich name.

But in fact, it is a hard lump of meat bulging at the junction of the back of the neck and the back, or lipoma caused by fat accumulation, which is a vertebral disease.

This disease will not only affect a person's appearance, but no matter how slender and slim a person is, once you have a wealthy bag, it will indeed make you look "fatter" and your temperament will become worse.

Rich bags will affect the blood circulation, causing the brain to not get blood in time, lack of oxygen to the brain, causing dizziness, headaches, not conducive to brain work, memory loss, inattention and other problems..

It also affects the sensitivity of the senses, such as hearing, vision and so on. The risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will also increase. Therefore, it is normal to call the wealthy bag a "death-killing bag".

From the perspective of anatomy , there are muscle groups responsible for the connection between the head and the body and the movement of the head behind the human neck. The emergence of rich bags will cause greater burden on the muscles, causing shoulder soreness. People tend to feel tired easily, and from time to time they may have difficulty breathing, which may compress nerves, causing numbness in the limbs, or even acid reflux, quadriplegia, incontinence, etc.

Who is more likely to suffer from Fugui Bao?

People who often lower their heads for a long time

Most Fugui Bao are related to Long-term bowing postures, such as working, studying, playing with mobile phones, etc., which cause the muscles of the spine to weaken. and bones are under tremendous pressure. The well-known investor Xue Manzi stated in "Notice against the Nationwide Bowheads" that he often "bows his head" and spends 4 to 6 hours in this state every day, which leads to his current cervical disc. The protrusion was severe, and the two legs could no longer walk normally. even had to use artificial bones.

The European Spine Association said that the phenomenon of "bowing down" has become a worldwide disease. Bowing down is killing the healthy cervical spine , especially among today's young people .

People who sit for a long time

It is common for office workers to sit for a long time. In fact, standing up and walking around after sitting for 40 minutes can alleviate the harm of sitting for a long time to the body. However, if the sitting posture is incorrect, such as shoulders are uneven, Holding the chest and hunching the back, stretching the neck forward , etc., will affect the body's qi and blood over time, leading to the formation of wealth bags.

Obese people

Some people think that the Wealth Bag is related to the body's obesity. In fact, the Wealth Bag is mainly due to cervical spine problems, but the Wealth Bag is not very big. If it is placed on an obese person, with fat as a foil, it will It will appear that the bag of wealth is bigger, so people will think that obesity will induce the bag of wealth, but there is no exact correlation between the two.

How to judge whether you have a fortune bag?

Method 1: When sitting or standing normally, touch the junction of the neck and the back at the back to see if there is any obvious bulge.

Method 2: Lean your body against a flat wall, so that your heels, legs, buttocks, and shoulders are all against the wall, and see if your head can touch the wall easily. I feel like there is something blocking on the back of my neck. There may be a fortune bag.

Having a rich bag is no small matter. You can try it now to prevent the rich bag from secretly harming your health. If you find that you are rich, you should either go to the hospital for orthopedics, ask a doctor for diagnosis or receive professional treatment, or use the correct methods to relieve yourself.

What should you do if you want to prevent and alleviate the problem of wealth?

. Behave in a correct sitting posture

Avoid bearing heavy objects on your back; try to keep your eyes level when looking at the computer; the height of the pillow should be just right so that the head is parallel to the bed surface; avoid "Geyou lies down", leaning the neck forward and other movements.

. Carry out aerobic exercise to promote blood circulation

Exercise is one of the effective ways to prevent diseases and relieve physical stress, such as badminton, table tennis, yoga, Baduanjin, Tai Chi, swimming, etc.

. Raise your head more often and write the word "meter" with your head.

When you have nothing to do, raise your head more often. , to prevent pulling of tendons.

Wealth bags are not only rich, but can even kill people. Play less with mobile phones, move your cervical spine more, and take good precautions.


1. Is the rich bag on the back of the neck a "life-threatening bag"? If you don't cut it, will be brain-dead ? It's hard to keep an eye on these people. Original 2021-01-12 15:29·Popular Science China

2. Rumor: Long" "Wealthy bag" is due to obesity2020-12-23 15:56·China Family News

3. Talking about the human body's "rich bag"2021-12-24 14:48· The Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University