Broad, strong shoulders are a sign of masculinity. Everyone can increase shoulder width and thickness through exercises. Broad shoulders can also make you dress stylishly and become a "walking clothes rack." The shoulder is an important part of the human anatomy. The shoulders ar

Broad, strong shoulders are a sign of masculinity. Everyone can increase shoulder width and thickness through exercises. Broad shoulders can also make you dress stylishly and become a "walking clothes rack."

The shoulder is an important part of the human anatomy. The shoulders are connected to the arms and perform many actions. From bench presses, push-ups to curls, the shoulder muscles are all involved.

Many fitness enthusiasts only pursue clear abdominal muscles and plump chest muscles, but ignore the training of shoulder muscles. However, shoulder exercise is the most important thing that cannot be ignored. Its importance is reflected in:

● Enhancing the strength of the shoulder muscle group can improve the shoulder slip problem, make women’s clavicle lines more charming, and at the same time modify the arm lines. Make men's shoulders wider and thicker;

● Consistent shoulder training can improve bad postures such as rounded shoulders and hunchback, and create a tall and straight posture, thus improving image and temperament;

● Shoulder exercises can reduce muscle strain and improve shoulder joints Flexibility, thereby improving overall health;

● The shoulder muscle group connects the arm and back muscle groups. Shoulder training can drive the development of other muscle groups, allowing you to perform better in fitness training.

If you want to build strong shoulder muscles, you can use the following exercises.

Action 1: Kettlebell One-arm press

Use kettlebells instead of dumbbells for one-arm presses because the shape and weight distribution of this training tool can recruit more muscle fibers, thereby increasing the flexibility of the shoulder joint.


1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart; hold the handle of the kettlebell in your right hand and place it at shoulder height;

2. Lift the kettlebell straight above your head, palms forward; Pause at the highest point for a moment, and then return to the starting position;

3. Repeat 10 times, and then do the same action on the other side of the body.

Movement 2: Dumbbell Press

This explosive exercise has a low risk of injury and targets the fast-twitch muscle fibers with the greatest growth potential. Because the press involves multiple muscle groups, it increases blood flow, increases heart rate, increases core stability and strength, and improves muscular endurance.


1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart; hold the dumbbell in both hands, bend your arms, and lift the dumbbell to shoulder height, palms facing each other;

2. Bend your knees slightly, and your body slightly Squat; then use the explosive power of your legs to lift the dumbbells above your head and straighten your legs;

3. Return to the starting position and repeat this action 10 times

Action 3: Side raise followed by shrug

Side raise This action can It targets the anterior deltoid muscle, rotator cuff muscle group and serratus anterior muscle , and the shoulder shrugging action can target the upper trapezius muscle, which comprehensively exercises the shoulder muscles from all angles.


1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart; hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms hanging naturally by your side, palms facing each other, and elbow joints slightly bent;

2. Arms flat on the sides Lift, lift the dumbbell to the same height as the shoulders, at the highest point of the movement, shrug toward the ears;

3. Pause for a moment, and then slowly return to the starting position; repeat the above actions 10 times.

Action 4: Rope reverse fly

This action can effectively strengthen the weak parts of the shoulder ( deltoid muscle posterior bundle and rotator cuff ), thereby reducing shoulder pain and improving the performance of upper limb training.


1. Stand in front of the rope trainer and adjust the pulley to the lowest position; place your arms directly under your shoulders and grasp the end of the rope with both hands; 2. Bend forward until your torso is almost parallel to the floor; shoulder blades are pointing toward the floor. Pull back until your arms are raised to a position parallel to the floor;

3. Lower your arms and slowly return to the starting position; repeat the above action 10 times.

Action 5: Use the suspension belt to do I, Y, T posture

This action combination can stimulate the shoulders from all angles. It targets the shoulder muscle groups from the front, middle and rear respectively, which makes the entire shoulder joint flexible. Thereby avoiding injury.


1. Secure one end of the suspension belt to the training frame, hold the handle at the other end of the suspension belt with both hands; stand with your feet apart, shoulder-width apart, palms facing outward;

2. Keep your body straight , raise the hanging belt high above your head, straighten your arms, and make your body form an "I" shape from head to toe; pause for a moment;

3. Spread your arms 30 degrees outward, making your body form a "Y" shape; pause for a moment;

4. Continue to spread your arms outward until they are parallel to the ground, so that your body forms a "T" shape;

5. Return to the starting position and repeat the above action 10 times.

Action 6: Reverse shoulder press

This exercise is a modified form of push-ups. You can do this exercise anywhere and at any time. However, unlike push-ups, this exercise does not use the chest muscles to push, but the strength of the shoulder muscles.


1. Starting from the traditional push-up position, move your feet forward and raise your hips until your body forms an inverted "V" shape;

2. Bend your elbows and lower your chest toward the ground; at the lowest point of the movement Pause for a moment, and then use the strength of your shoulder muscles to reverse the above process;

3. Repeat the above action 10 times; if you want to increase the difficulty of the action, place your feet closer to your hands.