The outside world is paying attention to this NATO summit, not only because Western countries are discussing how to sanction Russia, but also because of the fashion show of "girls". For example, the Queen of Spain, the organizer of this event, is famous internationally for her go

This time Queen Leticia wore black taffeta bow mid-length dress, which is a simple style. This emphasis highlights her good figure, with a belt tied around her waist to prevent her from looking too bloated. Laihou is already in her forties this year, and she maintains a very good figure with a strong sense of line. Take a closer look at your biceps , they don’t feel very strong. If she is more beautiful than fitness, I believe few here can surpass her. It is rare to have her hair tied up, and her face is very angular, giving people a sense of luxury.

Taking a photo with the French First Lady

There must be many Western countries coming to the NATO summit. This time, it is rare to share the same stage with the French President's wife Brigitte . The French first lady wore a blue dress with a lasso design on the neckline, which accentuated her petite figure. Blue is very suitable for women of this age group to wear. It looks very sunny and very high-end.

can be understood as a ritual of Macron , kissing the back of the woman's hand, but are you worried about your wife and the King of Spain in front of you?

Standing among a group of big men, Laihou’s aura is no less than that of others. For her, this kind of situation is a small case. She has been in the position for so many years and has already become familiar with it.

I don’t know if you ladies have discussed this, but their clothes are quite simple. Biden ’s wife wore a white suit and a pearl necklace around her neck, which looked really good. Biden's wife is a teacher herself, so her temperament is naturally not picky.

The King and Queen of Spain have been married for many years. They have a very good relationship and have two daughters. At the beginning, the man married the woman regardless of her second marriage, and they have been in love with her ever since.

This is European Union Chairman Von der Leyen . It is rare that the two people collide with each other. However, the other party is a strong working woman. She wears a black business suit with gold buttons to decorate it. I feel that this person has a good figure.

Hold this kind of banquet, which is also very tiring for the organizer. After all, others can go and rest. As hosts, they have to stand there to welcome guests. Sometimes they stand here for several hours, and it is inevitable that they will deliberately pose.

Look carefully at the back of the queen. It turns out that her hair was specially tied into a bun. It is really very noble. It sets off the whole person and brings a sense of elegance and high-end, making the whole person look slim and graceful.

Seeing this photo, I feel that Laihou and them are like two generations, and they are really young.

In diplomatic situations, there are not too many people in the front row, and many first ladies did not come. If everyone comes here, the front row may not be able to stand at all, which may affect the subsequent shooting.

The first lady wore a very elegant dress, a milky white dress, with a golden belt to modify her waist.

Why didn’t this annoying British guy come here with his wife?

took a photo with South Korea's First Lady Kim Gun-hee.

The highlight is here. This is the first time for the South Korean president to attend a NATO summit. Yin Xiyue naturally attaches great importance to it. She brought her wife Jin Jianxi to attend the event dressed up, and it was obvious that the first lady seemed to have some stage fright. This time she was dressed very beautifully, a white embroidered dress, and she looked very young. The chest is also embellished with printed embroidery, and the waist is designed with a waistband to make the whole person dignified and generous.

Jin Jianxi took a photo with other ladies

took a photo with a French lady, one is white, the other is green, Jin Jianxi is wearing gloves on his hands!

Both of them are wearing white looks. It is obvious that Jin Jianxi is younger and more fashionable in clothes. But in terms of aura, Biden's wife is better.

This is a grand banquet for the European royal family, but the editor asked, can you eat enough?

This black striped dress has an ink-like color, which brings out the elegance of the Queen herself. Wearing red high heels on her feet, she looks elegant and charming.

accompanied Mrs. Biden, the President of the United States, there. The two of them were dressed very differently. The queen is wearing a white suit with silk lining, which makes her look very wealthy. As for Biden's wife, she wore a floral dress, which made her look quite petite.