Today let’s talk about: Why must we eat carbohydrates? Because our body needs glycogen, and carbohydrates are the direct way to supply glycogen. For example, nerve cells and muscle cells can only be powered by glycogen. If the glycogen intake is insufficient, fat and protein will

Let’s talk today: Why must we eat carbohydrates?

Because our body needs glycogen , and carbohydrates are the direct way of supplying glycogen.

For example, nerve cells and muscle cells can only be powered by glycogen. If the intake of glycogen is insufficient, fat and protein will be decomposed and converted into glycogen to supply energy for these cells.

Fat gluconeogenesis converts glycogen, a process that produces ketones. The metabolism of ketones still requires glycogen. When the body's glycogen is insufficient, it will accumulate in the body and increase the burden on the internal organs. If it is more serious, it may produce the symptoms of ketoacidosis , and the body smells bad. , smells like rotten apples.

Protein is converted into glycogen, which consumes muscles. Muscles increase slowly and lose quickly. The more you consume, the lower your body’s muscle content becomes.

Before the glycogen we eat is converted into fat, it will first be stored in the storage tank of "muscle", called muscle glycogen, to maintain daily muscle activity.

Consuming muscle energy is like killing a goose to retrieve the egg. The less muscle there is, the smaller the storage tank is, and the food eaten is more likely to be directly converted into fat and stored, making it easier to gain weight.

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