It’s so annoying. Why do acne always come to me? Is it because I’m special? Yes, you are indeed special. You are special. (Source: Internet) l What is acne? As the saying goes, "No oil, no acne." This means that too much oil can clog hair follicles, which can accelerate the repro

It’s so annoying

Why do acne always come to me

Is it because I’m special?

Yes, you are indeed special

You are particularly oily

( Source: Internet )

l What is acne?

As the saying goes, "no oil, no acne", which means that oil added to the hair follicles can block the hair follicles, which can accelerate the reproduction of Propionibacterium acnes, and their metabolites can induce and aggravate facial inflammation, leading to a series of manifestations of acne.

l Where does acne tend to occur?

It is easy to appear on the face, neck, chest, and back, and it mostly occurs on the face. From the initial blackheads whiteheads, it evolves into papules, pustules, nodules, and other manifestations. In severe cases, pigmentation and scars may also form, which is what we call acne marks and pits.

( Source: Internet )

l How to treat acne?

Common treatments for acne include acupuncture, topical ointments, oral medicines, etc. Sometimes it is also necessary to use medical aesthetics to coordinate the treatment. But no matter which method is adopted, it is recommended to carry out it under the guidance of a professional dermatologist. Self-treatment may not only be ineffective, but also cause some irreparable damage to the skin, such as further damage to the skin barrier, worsening of acne marks and pits, and affecting the appearance of the skin. value.

What needs to be noted here is that since it talks about acupuncture, is acupuncture suitable for all acne? Not necessarily. Acupuncture is generally only an auxiliary method for local treatment of acne and cannot be used as a routine treatment plan. Acupuncture is only recommended for blackheads or stubborn closed comedons that are large in size and have obvious bulges. When facing acne problems, the best way to deal with it is to consult a professional dermatologist for correct treatment advice.

( source: Internet )

l How to care for acne daily?

The formation of acne does not happen overnight. Treatment is one aspect. Maintenance in daily life is also very important. Only by joining forces can the problem of acne be solved. In daily life, you can also use some skin care products that can control oil and remove acne, such as products containing Melaleuca alternifolia leaf oil, Magnolia bark bark, mango bark, pomegranate peel, etc., or products with repairing properties. Centella asiatica gel products are used for acne-prone skin and anti-inflammatory marks. You should also pay attention to sun protection in daily life to prevent skin acne marks from deepening and pigmentation.