Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it!

2020/12/2321:10:16 fashion 1741

"You Fei" has been paid a lot of attention since it was not broadcasted. After the broadcast, the topic has continued. The appearance of Zhao Liying in the play has also caused many discussions.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

From Chu Qiao to Zhou Fei, Zhao Liying's skin condition is impeccable, but the fine close-up shots will expose the subtle blemishes around the eyes. Oh, why do I seem to see a little bit of eye bags?

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

may be caused by lighting at first. The light of this drama sometimes makes the bridge of my nose almost disappeared. If you refer to the Korean dramas that are good at lighting up, there is indeed a distance.

Next, there is the issue of makeup.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

When the foundation is relatively white, when you encounter black and blue parts such as dark circles or bags under the eyes, the combination of the two will turn blue, and it will appear not clear enough in the lens. At the same time, for costume plays, the artist's eyes are very round, but the eyeliner is still thickened according to the original eye shape, which looks "heavy." Coupled with the original light problem, it will make makeup look tired.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

In fact, we all know that the eye skin is much thinner than the facial skin. As we age, most of the areas where we start to suffer from aging problems are also here. When the eye condition is not good, it is true-real-obvious-old -. What are our common eye problems?


mostly appears when you get up, and it will improve in the afternoon. But in fact, this is also a manifestation of poor body metabolism. For example, drinking a lot of water before going to bed, or staying up late, crying, etc. can cause eye puffiness. I personally wake up as if I have just had a full-cut double eyelid... Generally, it will be much better if I apply ice.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

dark circles

This, probably since the beginning of college, we have been with the "moon don't sleep, we don't sleep" family. Although you have to stay up late and take care of the most expensive skin, you also need to see what type you are before you can prescribe the right medicine:

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

vascular dark circles: this is also the most common one, which is bluish-black and usually appears After staying up late or overusing your eyes, pay attention to adjusting your work and rest, and it will gradually disappear;

pigmented dark circles: yellowish brown, mainly due to pigmentation, daily careless sun protection, frequent hand rubbing of the eyes, etc., will increase Pigment problem (it will not disappear just because you sleep well, you need to use laser to improve)

structural dark circles: usually accompanied by aging problems, such as tear grooves, eye bags, etc., due to changes in the structure of the eyes , Resulting in chromatic aberration of light falling on the face, forming shadows, which are usually optimized together with the problem of bag tears.

bags under the eyes

bags under the eyes are caused by the loosening of fat in the skin muscles and the orbital septum, leading to the exudation of fat, and eventually forming bags under the eyes. Many people confuse eye bags with lying silkworms. Here to tell everyone that bags under the eyes are different from lying silkworms. So what is the difference between bags under the eyes and lying silkworms?

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

Lying silkworm is caused by local hypertrophy of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Eye bags are caused by skin muscle relaxation. Eye bags are under the lying silkworms. In a calm state, the eye bags are more prominent.

dry lines and fine lines

let's distinguish some of the two. Dry lines on the eyes are the drier the corners of the eyes, the more obvious they are. They are not obvious when they are not making expressions. They only appear when they are smiling. This kind of general use of eye cream can improve them. The causes of fine lines are skin aging and loss of collagen. This kind of expression still exists even without expression.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

The most obvious of these problems is the bags under the eyes, what should I do?

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

First of all, everyone knows daily maintenance. First, avoid staying up all night for a long time, and dark circles can really be solved. Second, pay attention to eye habits and hygiene to reduce the appearance of fine lines. Third, use functional products correctly and improve eye problems through correct methods (note that it is not to eradicate eye problems).

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

In addition, the eye problems of our middle-aged girls can also be saved through makeup techniques.

Regarding dark circles:

first use a concealer that is one shade darker than the skin tone. If the dark circles are blue, you can use orange concealer to neutralize the color.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

Then use a concealer suitable for skin tone to cover a large area of ​​the pigmented areas around the eyes, set the makeup with loose powder, and then use a shade that is slightly whiter than the foundation for the eyesBrighten up to achieve the finishing touch.

About the tear channel:

first foundation and then concealer, apply the foundation and use a small concealer brush to accurately brighten the depression of the tear channel, and then use a matte highlight to brighten it again after loose powder and makeup.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

About compound eye bags: After applying a layer of

foundation, use concealer to call out a color similar to the skin color around the eyes to cover, and the lowest position of the eye bags should be brightened with bright colors.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

There are many concealer products, from concealer to concealer stick, from monochrome to color, how to choose the suitable one? My suggestion is that if you are a novice, try to choose a single-color concealer, and choose a darker skin tone. This can help us achieve better results and avoid mistakes; if you are a veteran, it will be big You can choose the color concealer on the tray to cover it in a targeted manner.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

common usage:

yellow: to remove red, dark circles

purple: face dull, brighten

fans: modify gray eye bags

orange: cyan, purple dark circles eye bags

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

concealer texture is generally divided into two types, one One is liquid, suitable for dry skin, the other is paste, with thicker texture, suitable for skin with many blemishes. You can choose the concealer that suits you according to your needs.

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

If you are still very concerned about eye problems, you can easily solve them through medical aesthetics. Such as hyaluronic acid filling, orbital septum release, etc. Of course, we must also pay attention to safety issues: we must go to a regular hospital to find a regular doctor for face-to-face consultation and consultation, and choose the method that suits you!

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Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

Beauty Strategy | Zhao Liying's daily method of covering eye bags, Ah Fei will also learn it! - DayDayNews

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