Does anyone know what type of skin is "oily on the outside but dry on the inside"? What's the performance? What is the specific cause? The editor will share relevant knowledge with you on these issues. What is "oil on the outside but dry on the inside"? In short, oily skin on the

2024/07/0313:45:33 fashion 1584

Does anyone know what kind of skin type is "oily on the outside but dry on the inside"? What's the performance? What is the specific cause? The editor will share relevant knowledge with you on these issues.

What is "oil on the outside but dry on the inside"? In short, oily skin on the outside and dryness on the inside is due to the lack of moisturizing factors in the stratum corneum and the excessive secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands, resulting in shiny skin. In fact, this is a manifestation of the imbalance of the skin's water-oil system. It is actually caused by the damage of the stratum corneum skin barrier. The skin secretes a large amount of oil, but the water cannot be locked and is lost in large quantities. What is the performance of

Does anyone know what type of skin is

? "You get oil even if you don't do anything", you are a real oily "bigger"; your cheeks are red and tingling; you feel dry and tight after cleansing; makeup is easy to stick to powder, and the pores are large and obvious; it is easy to get dandruff and flaking Skin, allergies;

Does anyone know what type of skin is

What behaviors can lead to "oil on the outside and dry on the inside"? First, excessive cleansing. Although it is recommended to wash your face together with cleansing products, the use of irritating and strong cleansing products will cause facial skin damage; second, excessive exfoliation will damage the skin barrier and impair its function; third, Bad living habits, such as staying up late, not thoroughly removing makeup, sleeping with makeup on, and often eating spicy food, etc., can also affect the condition of the skin. How to improve

Does anyone know what type of skin is

? Clean in the right amount at the right time, and do not use skin care products that are too powerful or too powerful; pay attention to hydration and moisturizing; repair the skin barrier and relieve skin stress; change bad habits, eat more fruits and vegetables, and exercise more; pay attention to sun protection; beautify your skin.

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