I never expected that the famous Dior brand would also be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like a Hanfu horse-faced skirt. Faced with the doubts from netizens, the brand didn't respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go? The problem is not that

2024/07/0213:19:32 fashion 1739

I never thought that the famous and Dior brands would be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like the Hanfu horse-faced skirt . Faced with the doubts of the majority of netizens, the brand did not respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go?

The problem is not that Dior prices a horse-faced skirt that can be bought for 299 at 29,000. Luxury goods have always been at this price; nor is it that it uses the design of horse-faced skirts. In fact, fashion designs have always been in circulation and mutually exchanged. Borrowing elements is normal.

I never expected that the famous Dior brand would also be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like a Hanfu horse-faced skirt. Faced with the doubts from netizens, the brand didn't respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go? The problem is not that - DayDayNews

The problem is that it insists on claiming that this is its own brand’s “iconic silhouette”. The reason why luxury goods are expensive is because of the original design. If you directly misappropriate other people's things without making any statement, what is the difference between them and cheap imitations from wholesale stores without original patterns?

sells for 299. Everyone thinks it is expensive, and 29 cannot be more. What's more serious is that if this really becomes Dior's iconic design, then when people go shopping abroad wearing horse noodles, they may be mistaken for wearing Diaopai knockoffs, which will be embarrassing and hard to argue with.

I never expected that the famous Dior brand would also be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like a Hanfu horse-faced skirt. Faced with the doubts from netizens, the brand didn't respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go? The problem is not that - DayDayNews

Regarding fashion style protection, plagiarism definition, cultural appropriation, etc., it is not difficult for knowledgeable people to see that this wave of operations is really regrettable. Fans said that if Christian Dior was still alive, I might not be able to hold it down. Everyone still hopes to get an official response.

If you are not familiar with the horse skirt, you can search for the actual picture. The front and rear skirt doors completely overlap, the front and rear slits are slit, and the sides are pleated.

I never expected that the famous Dior brand would also be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like a Hanfu horse-faced skirt. Faced with the doubts from netizens, the brand didn't respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go? The problem is not that - DayDayNews

This is not just cultural appropriation, it is a horse-faced skirt that was completely copied, and then Dior insisted that it was its original silhouette.

And solid-color horse noodles are even buckled with shearling. Hanfu shops have become bad in these years. Of course, the original horse-face skirt does not cost 30,000 yuan, the cheapest and most common ones are dozens of yuan, and the most expensive woolen horse-face skirts are hundreds. You can buy one for a buck.

I never expected that the famous Dior brand would also be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like a Hanfu horse-faced skirt. Faced with the doubts from netizens, the brand didn't respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go? The problem is not that - DayDayNews

I used to think that luxury brands abide by the rules and respect intellectual property rights. Netizens said that they are still too young and this is plagiarism. It is really unjustifiable if they are removed from the shelves without an apology. Will they wear horse masks when they go out in the future, and will be criticized by others? To put it bluntly, it is a high imitation of Dior. Taking it off the shelves without apology means disrespecting the market.

I never expected that the famous Dior brand would also be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like a Hanfu horse-faced skirt. Faced with the doubts from netizens, the brand didn't respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go? The problem is not that - DayDayNews

This is cultural appropriation. It’s not just the horse skirt, the vest on the upper body is also clearly defined as the main waist. It will only make people look down upon. If Dior has the copyright in the future, people in my family will have to pay foreigners to wear traditional clothes. It's so funny.

If it is really their original creation, why don’t the designers come out and talk about their “creative inspiration”? Are these so-called international big names stealing other people’s culture and making it their own?

I never expected that the famous Dior brand would also be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like a Hanfu horse-faced skirt. Faced with the doubts from netizens, the brand didn't respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go? The problem is not that - DayDayNews

What does it mean for one’s own culture to be carried forward abroad? It's like her own daughter is clearly her own, but after all the hard work, she persuaded her neighbor to come over and "borrow" her, and then claim that she is her biological daughter. Should her family also say that she is helping her daughter to flourish?

I never expected that the famous Dior brand would also be copied? One of their brand's skirts looks very much like a Hanfu horse-faced skirt. Faced with the doubts from netizens, the brand didn't respond. Could it be that they just don't want to let it go? The problem is not that - DayDayNews

When celebrities flock to their brands every time, and celebrity fans advocate haute couture, it is a bargaining chip for them to gain the right to speak. Ordinary people may not necessarily be able to afford a handmade tapestry horse-faced skirt, and a traditional dress with three warps and four warps is no cheaper than big foreign brands.

The term cultural appropriation is not yet popular, and I feel that many people think it is whitewashing Dior. But in fact, cultural appropriation is a very serious term, as harmful as an insult. This is not just a matter of plagiarizing one or two dresses, this is culture being systematically stolen, divided, and finally lost.

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