What does "sunscreen" protect against? Ultraviolet rays are divided into different wavelengths and penetrability: Medium-wave ultraviolet rays (UVB) act on the epidermis and superficial dermis of the skin, causing sunburn, redness and tanning of the skin. , leading to age spots,

2024/07/0213:08:32 fashion 1300

 What does " sunscreen " protect against?

Ultraviolet rays are divided into:

What does

according to different wavelengths and penetrability. Mid-wave ultraviolet rays (UVB) act on the epidermis and superficial dermis of the skin, causing sunburn of the skin. . Sunburn and tanning, leading to age spots , sun spots, aggravation of chloasma , etc.;

Long-wave ultraviolet rays (UVA) act on the shallow and middle layers of the dermis, mainly causing degeneration of elastic fibers in the dermis and causing skin relaxation. , the generation of wrinkles.

UVA long-wave ultraviolet rays are not only the main cause of skin aging, but also the cause of the worsening of freckles and dark spots. From sunrise to sunset, UVA exists all day long, all year round.

The purpose of sun protection is to prevent sunburn, sunburn, and "photoaging". "Photoaging" is different from natural aging. It will make the skin rough, wrinkled, sagging, and freckles. Sun protection is required all year round.

 Physical sunscreen is definitely safer than chemical sunscreen?

What does

 Physical sunscreen will not penetrate into the skin and cause chemical reactions, but due to its large particles and thick texture, it may cause skin hotness and clogged pores. Pure physical sunscreens can cause whitening, so brands refine the texture by adding other ingredients. These subsequent additions can also become unsafe triggers. Pure physical sunscreen products now only account for 5% of the market share, and most of the sunscreen products you encounter use both physical and chemical sunscreen agents.

Does the higher the SPF of sunscreen, the better it can prevent sunburn?

What does

It is a good thing to learn to look at the SPF value, but it can only tell you how long you can stay in the sun without getting sunburned. For example, SPF20 means that after 300 minutes of sun exposure, the skin will There will be redness. However, during the 300 minutes of not getting sunburned, you will still get tanned, especially people with dark skin are more likely to get tanned, because even the best sunscreen cannot 100% block ultraviolet rays, so under the scorching sun, SPF30 Neither SPF50 nor SPF50 are effective in preventing tanning. If you want to avoid tanning, it is more reliable to rely on physical shielding.

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