As the saying goes: If your running posture is correct, your efforts will not be in vain! As the eternal "number one" of fitness exercises, running can be said to be the most practical way of fitness for ordinary people. Now that we are talking about running, many people think it

2024/06/2502:56:32 fashion 1974

As the saying goes:

If you have the right running posture, your efforts will not be in vain!

As the eternal "number one" of fitness exercises, running can be said to be the most practical way of fitness for ordinary people.

As the saying goes: If your running posture is correct, your efforts will not be in vain! As the eternal

Now that we are talking about running, many people think that it is not simple. Isn’t it just running forward as hard as possible?

In fact, it is not the case. Correct running is very particular, and it is definitely not as simple as we think.

It pays attention to methods and breathing. The first time runners practice running is not on the track, but in the classroom. Only by truly understanding running can we move our bodies more effectively in actual combat so that the body can get the best results. Excellent exercise.

As the saying goes: If your running posture is correct, your efforts will not be in vain! As the eternal

The correct posture for running:

Lean forward to provide assistance for forward movement and save effort;

Bend the knee forward to facilitate mobilization of thigh muscles, share pressure, and act as a buffer. At the same time, the contact area of ​​the patellofemoral joint is increased, which is conducive to even distribution. Pressure and reduce friction;

run quickly in small steps, so that the center of gravity of the body is closer to the supporting foot, the quadriceps can maintain the body balance without using too much force, and the patellofemoral joint is less stretched.

As the saying goes: If your running posture is correct, your efforts will not be in vain! As the eternal

In addition, you need to remember 5 major points:

1. Swing your arms back and forth, don’t swing your arms left and right;

2. Land your heels first, don’t land on your toes;

3. When your feet land, bend your knee joints slightly;

4. Keep your chest and abdomen high, don’t Bending over hunchback ;

5. Take three inhales and one exhale, do not gasp for air.

As the saying goes: If your running posture is correct, your efforts will not be in vain! As the eternal

Running is a physical exercise activity that is beneficial to physical and mental health, such as accelerating metabolism lowering blood sugar , etc., but the most common things are often its skills and precautions that are often ignored by people. Failure to pay attention to these problems may cause causing physical damage.

Although running has many benefits, running is a sport that is very easy to damage the knees. It is necessary to master the correct running posture and breathing techniques during running, which can effectively avoid injuries and make the running process easier.

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