Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine

2024/06/1806:33:33 fashion 1744

Jewelry is a topic that a woman can't live without throughout her life. Although it doesn't appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, paired with jewelry will also give people a more refined and elegant feeling.

Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine - DayDayNews

However, not all jewelry is suitable for decorating oneself. Some relatively cheap-looking types need to be avoided as much as possible. A woman who has really seen the world will not wear something that looks very cheap. Style, if you don’t believe me, let’s take a look.

Please try to avoid the following types of jewelry if you encounter them:

No.1: Bracelets full of plastic feel

Products such as bracelets are chosen by many women to wear. The raw materials of bracelets are also widely selected, such as jade and jade. , gold, silver, and even some copper, iron, and cadmium can be used as materials for bracelets... But no matter what type of material is chosen, must avoid some types that look very plastic.

Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine - DayDayNews

Maybe your bracelet itself is made of jade, but due to the color, it will look plasticky. Therefore, we mainly choose from the color and design. Try not to choose types with colors that are more fluorescent than fluorescent, and at the same time, we must avoid some styles with more complex designs.

No.2: A rich gold necklace

Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine - DayDayNews

Gold is a symbol of identity and status, so it is loved by many ladies and ladies. Generally speaking, it is still recommended to wear gold jewelry, but don’t choose some gold accessories that are large in size... such as large gold chains are very taboo styles.

Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine - DayDayNews

A thick gold necklace looks full of style, but in fact it is really very rustic when paired with it. After all, we women still want to pursue some small and exquisite types that are more suitable. Once you put on a large gold necklace, you will look rustic in an instant. Nouveau riche, and ask again: Is it really not tiring to hang such a big gold chain around your neck? If you don’t want cervical spondylosis to come to your door, you should try to avoid it.

No.3: Crystal jewelry with fancy colors

Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine - DayDayNews

Crystal accessories are also very popular with women. After all, who can refuse some jewelry that looks blingbling? However, because the material of crystal is relatively common and the price is relatively low, and its colors are very diverse, it is easy to match it to give a cheap look.

Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine - DayDayNews

Especially when you choose some fancy colors to match, the crystal jewelry at this time may look like a two-yuan street stall, which is very cheap. If you really like the material of crystal, then just choose some regular colors to match it, such as transparent crystal, amethyst with better color... these are less likely to look cheap.

No.4: Jade jewelry with poor quality

Jade and jade are actually very suitable for women to wear. Warm and moist jade not only shows your temperament when worn on the body, but the trace elements in it are actually good for our body. There are certain benefits of , so many ladies and ladies like to wear jade jewelry. But if wants to match jade with a high-end feel, it still needs to invest some capital.

Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine - DayDayNews

Because the color of jade is a big threshold, if the color of the jade you choose is not good, it will look like plastic, which will not highlight the sense of high-end. So if you like to match jade jewelry, it is recommended to go to a regular store to buy it and let professionals help you choose a good-quality jewelry to wear.

fashion summary:

Jewelry is a topic that a woman cannot live without throughout her life. Although it does not appear as often as clothes, it still has to rely on accessories to brighten the overall match at critical moments. And in daily life, matching jewelry will also give people a more refine - DayDayNews

1. Bracelets full of plastic feel are still very cheap, so we should pay attention to the color and design of the bracelet when choosing.

2. Wearing a large gold necklace really looks like a nouveau riche, rustic and vulgar.

3. Don’t choose some fancy colors to wear crystal jewelry, otherwise it will easily look cheap.

4. The selection of jade jewelry is relatively difficult. Do not choose some styles with poor quality.

Conclusion: The matching of jewelry is still very necessary. It can not only enhance our overall highlights, but also can well set off the temperament and set off the atmosphere. Therefore, choosing the right jewelry to match is a very important homework. Avoid some The type that appears cheap is a top priority.

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