I often say that fat is the soft gold of the human face. When the following depressions appear around the eyes: sunken temples, sunken eye sockets, and sunken foreheads. After these depressions appear, the skin around the eyes loses structural support, which will directly lead to

2024/05/2722:29:32 fashion 1121

I often say that fat is the soft gold of the human face. When the following depressions appear around the eyes:

Sunken temples, sunken eye sockets, and sunken foreheads. After these depressions appear, the skin around the eyes loses structural support, which will directly lead to The skin around the eyes is sagging.

I often say that fat is the soft gold of the human face. When the following depressions appear around the eyes: sunken temples, sunken eye sockets, and sunken foreheads. After these depressions appear, the skin around the eyes loses structural support, which will directly lead to - DayDayNews

Plastic Surgeon Dai Lixian - During Fat Treatment

1, Sunken Temples

Temples After sunken temples appear with age, it will change the facial contour. The biggest impact is on the eye area, which will cause the eye area to be out of proportion and make the cheekbones look high. , the zygomatic arch is wide. At the same time, because the support of fat is lost under the skin at the end of the eye, crow's feet are aggravated and the end of the eye will also appear droopy.

I often say that fat is the soft gold of the human face. When the following depressions appear around the eyes: sunken temples, sunken eye sockets, and sunken foreheads. After these depressions appear, the skin around the eyes loses structural support, which will directly lead to - DayDayNews

Sunken temples

2, Sunken eye sockets

After sunken eye sockets appear with age, most people show sunken upper eye sockets, and some people show sunken upper and lower eye sockets as a whole. This kind of depression will make the eyes sink into a plane (most Chinese people have brow bones flat), and the eyes will look lifeless and have a particularly aged look. In some serious cases, the double eyelid shape will change due to the loss of fat under the eyelids.

I often say that fat is the soft gold of the human face. When the following depressions appear around the eyes: sunken temples, sunken eye sockets, and sunken foreheads. After these depressions appear, the skin around the eyes loses structural support, which will directly lead to - DayDayNews

3. Forehead depression

After the fat on the forehead shrinks, the skin on the forehead will naturally relax part of the way downward, pressing down on the eyebrows, and then further relax down to the eyes.

The mild sagging of each part here is superimposed, and accompanied by the relaxation of the eyelids, which in turn aggravates the sagging and aging changes around the eyes.

I often say that fat is the soft gold of the human face. When the following depressions appear around the eyes: sunken temples, sunken eye sockets, and sunken foreheads. After these depressions appear, the skin around the eyes loses structural support, which will directly lead to - DayDayNews

Sunken forehead

Today we look at a case of a 39-year-old lady who underwent sunken eye filling + fascial suspension brow lift surgery. Immediate comparison before and after the operation

Preoperative analysis:

Ms., 39 years old, although she is not old, However, there is less fat on the face. Especially after the age of 35, as age increases, fat shrinks in the temples, around the eyes, and on the forehead. Recently, the skin of the upper eyelids has also become saggy. The lady originally had a very delicate single eyelid, and she was a lady with beautiful single eyelids.

I often say that fat is the soft gold of the human face. When the following depressions appear around the eyes: sunken temples, sunken eye sockets, and sunken foreheads. After these depressions appear, the skin around the eyes loses structural support, which will directly lead to - DayDayNews

Plastic surgeon Dai Lixian - During the operation

Surgical design:

Periocular fat filling + fascial suspension brow lift surgery

Immediate comparison before and after operation

I often say that fat is the soft gold of the human face. When the following depressions appear around the eyes: sunken temples, sunken eye sockets, and sunken foreheads. After these depressions appear, the skin around the eyes loses structural support, which will directly lead to - DayDayNews

Immediate comparison before and after operation

Postoperative analysis:

1, Temple re-examination Full filling

2, transitional filling on the forehead, brow bone and forehead edge, retaining the Venus line

3, filling of the upper and lower eye socket depressions to be natural, flat and full

4, fascia suspension brow lift surgery, the loose skin is removed after the operation, and the The eyelids are firm again and the delicate single eyelids are restored.

I am Dai Lixian, a plastic surgeon who specializes in rejuvenation surgery around the eyes. For questions related to rejuvenation around the eyes, you can follow me!


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