Blackheads and comedones are early lesions of acne. If not treated properly, they will develop into papules or nodules. To remove blackheads and acne, you must first understand the reasons why they form. In essence, they are horn plugs formed by skin oils and cuticles clogging ha

2024/05/2722:23:32 fashion 1784

blackheads and acne are early lesions of acne . If not handled well, they will develop into papules or nodules . To remove blackheads and acne, you must first understand the reasons why they form. In essence, they are horn plugs formed by skin oils and cuticles clogging hair follicles. Some of them will oxidize and turn black when exposed to air, forming the blackheads (acne) we see.

There are many blackhead removal ointments on the market, such as adapalene gel , vitamin A acid cream , etc. The former makes the stratum corneum fall off, and then the blackheads can be squeezed out easily; the latter mainly promotes keratosis. Normal, reduce skin oil secretion, thereby improving blackheads and acne. However, after these two drugs are used on a large area, peeling and redness will often occur, and there will be some irritation. sensitive skin should be used with caution, and hydration should be done before and after use.

Blackheads and comedones are early lesions of acne. If not treated properly, they will develop into papules or nodules. To remove blackheads and acne, you must first understand the reasons why they form. In essence, they are horn plugs formed by skin oils and cuticles clogging ha - DayDayNews

Traditional Chinese medicine treatments are also popular. Blackheads and acne are acne vulgaris. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that these symptoms are mainly caused by spleen and stomach and damp heat , coupled with wind evil entering the body and converting heat. It is necessary to use medicine to clear away heat and dampness, remove blood stasis and remove stagnation. External application of Chinese ointment or liquid and fumigation treatment. Clinically commonly used Yinghua , Forsythia , Dibera , Orchid root , Pseudostellariae , Chuanxiong , Skullcap , Pueraria lobata , Cornus , wolfberry, coix seed. , , white lentils, and other medicines can be decocted in water and taken internally or externally.

Removing blackheads and acne is a protracted battle, because our skin will continue to secrete oil, and the appearance of blackheads is inevitable, so in addition to treatment, what is more important is our daily cleaning and care.

Blackheads and comedones are early lesions of acne. If not treated properly, they will develop into papules or nodules. To remove blackheads and acne, you must first understand the reasons why they form. In essence, they are horn plugs formed by skin oils and cuticles clogging ha - DayDayNews

Especially during adolescence, sebaceous glands secrete vigorously. Pay attention to regularly removing excess oil from the skin to improve blackheads and acne from the source. In addition, you should pay attention to eating less greasy and spicy food to avoid accumulation of heat in the lungs and stomach and aggravation of symptoms.

The above is the content about "Which ointment is better for treating acne and blackheads". I hope it will be helpful to everyone! If you still have other questions, you can also raise your doubts below!

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