Skin care is a "compulsory course" in summer. Sun protection and hydration are the basics. There are also some difficult skin diseases that are easy to occur and need to be prevented and treated as soon as possible. Itching: Severe itching may be caused by severe itching and rash

2024/05/2703:16:33 fashion 1306

Skin care is a "compulsory course" in summer. Sun protection and hydration are the basics. There are also some difficult skin diseases that are easy to occur and need to be prevented and treated as soon as possible.

Itch: Severe itching may be eczema

Severe itching and rash, which are easy to recur, are typical manifestations of atopic dermatitis. Patients have long-term scars on their skin because of itchy and painful skin, and they have to wrap their whole body in hot weather. Be strict.

Atopic dermatitis is also what people call eczema or stubborn eczema. The number of patient visits accounts for the first place in the number of dermatology visits in various hospitals. The basic clinical manifestations are eczema, dry skin, and severe itching. Before treating atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to determine the severity of the disease. Atopic dermatitis can be divided into mild, moderate and severe according to the severity. Different levels of treatment have different methods.

Skin care is a

Daily care for patients with atopic dermatitis cannot be ignored. It is not only the basis of treatment, but also an important guarantee to prevent recurrence of the disease. In daily life, we mainly need to protect the skin barrier and reduce exposure to allergens. We must pay attention to the four major points of clothing, food, housing, and washing.

Clothing: Do not wear wool, chemical fiber fabrics and rough clothes for close-fitting clothing.

Food: Avoid foods that may cause allergies. If the patient has passed the allergen test and knows the food he is allergic to, he should try to avoid eating it. Housing: Bedding should be cleaned in time, and bedding should be cleaned in time in daily life to prevent mites from breeding. It is appropriate to monitor the indoor temperature in real time at around 23°C, and the humidity at 50%-60%. Washing: You can take a bath every day or every other day. Do not take a bath for too long. 5-10 minutes is appropriate, and the water temperature should not be too hot. 32-37℃ is appropriate. After bathing, it is recommended to use non-irritating emollient products to moisturize and moisturize the entire body. (Director of the Department of Dermatology, Peking University People's Hospital - Zhang Jianzhong)


Sudden burning sensation on the skin accompanied by a rash

Sudden burning sensation on the skin with damage or rash, it may be herpes zoster, and you should go to the dermatology department as soon as possible. Herpes zoster mostly occurs in middle-aged and elderly people who have relatively poor resistance. Some young people can also be infected when their resistance is reduced due to fatigue from staying up late, high psychological stress, etc.

Herpes zoster is an acute infectious skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The virus can lie dormant in the human body for many years. It has neurotropic characteristics. When the body's immunity is compromised due to fatigue, colds, infections, etc., the virus may reactivate, spread along the nerve fibers , and invade the skin. It causes marked inflammation of the affected nerves and skin; the rash is clustered and itchy and painful.

Skin care is a

The virus will migrate along the nerve axons to the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord and lurk in the sensory neurons in the dorsal roots of the spinal cord and cranial ganglia. When children grow up, they may develop immune-related symptoms due to factors such as fatigue, external infections, and chronic diseases. When the virus's strength decreases, the virus may reactivate from its latent site, grow and reproduce, and initiate the course of herpes zoster. If an unexplained skin injury (rash) occurs, even if the symptoms are not typical, you should go to the dermatology department of the hospital as soon as possible. Because standard antiviral and nutritional neurotherapy should be applied as soon as possible in the early stage of the onset of herpes zoster (within 72 hours), this is crucial to reducing the occurrence of postherpetic neuralgia. This kind of pain can last for months or even years, and is easily combined with anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders , seriously affecting the patient's quality of life. (Department of Preventive Health Care, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University - Wang Zhiyuan)


It is easy to develop erythema or immune disease

After summer exposure, erythema is easy to appear, which may be lupus erythematosus . Many people play in the sun continuously in the summer and develop red spots on their faces. They initially thought it was sunburn. Later, their finger joints became stiff and painful, causing general discomfort. After going to the hospital for examination, they were diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus.

This autoimmune disease will cause a butterfly-shaped rash on the cheeks, accompanied by pain in joints, muscles, etc. UV exposure is the most common environmental factor. Lupus belongs to the category of "yin and yang toxin" in traditional Chinese medicine. It is caused by insufficient innate endowment and external heat toxin, resulting in an imbalance of yin and yang qi and blood.

Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are exposed to the sun, other rays, and artificial light sources such as incandescent lamps , etc., which can aggravate facial erythema, cause rashes, burning sensations, and itching pain on exposed skin, or aggravate systemic symptoms. This This phenomenon is called "photosensitivity". This is because ultraviolet rays can convert DNA in the skin into thymine dimers, thereby enhancing the antigenicity and inducing lupus disease activity. Therefore, it is very important to use sun protection in summer, not only to prevent sunburn.

It is also necessary to prevent lupus erythematosus through diet in summer. For patients with rashes, trauma, sores or certain diseases, eating hair products can easily aggravate the condition. Fried and spicy foods, seafood such as shrimps and crabs, fruits such as mango and pineapple, and meats such as goose, beef, and dog that promote dampness and heat production are all hair-causing foods, and lupus patients should pay attention to these foods. In addition, some foods and drugs that are likely to cause photoallergy, such as psoralen, shiitake mushrooms, celery, figs, etc.; foods containing estrogen, such as purple river car, royal jelly, etc. Not suitable for consumption. (Chief Physician of Rheumatology Department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine-He Yiting)

Skin care is a


Some people are allergic to ultraviolet rays

When exposed to the sun, they will experience redness, swelling, itching, and even fever and nausea. It may be due to ultraviolet allergy, or It's called solar dermatitis. Ultraviolet rays are enhanced in summer, and the mid-wave ultraviolet rays in sunlight are overexposed, causing such acute inflammatory reactions to occur on more sensitive skin.

People who have genetic factors, allergies, eat photosensitive foods (such as spinach, shepherd's purse, eggplant, figs, etc.), are exposed to light-sensitive cosmetics, and are exposed to the sun without protection are more likely to suffer from this type of Dermatitis . Solar dermatitis mostly occurs in late spring and early summer, and is common in areas exposed to sunlight such as the face, neck, and arms. Symptoms include itching, flushing, and swelling of the exposed skin. In severe cases, blisters may occur, followed by erosion, residual pigmentation, or hypopigmentation. Patients report itching, burning or tenderness. Systemic symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness may also occur. Patients with mild symptoms of the disease should avoid sunlight exposure. The symptoms will gradually reduce over time until they disappear. Severe patients are recommended to seek medical treatment immediately at a dermatology department. The doctor will give antihistamines , vitamins and topical drugs and other treatments.

In summer, we should actively prevent solar dermatitis. Avoid sun exposure: 10 a.m. to 14 p.m. is the time when ultraviolet radiation is strongest, so you should try to avoid going out; cover yourself with hats and clothing and apply sunscreen when you must go out; Diet: Eat more foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin C to weaken the body Sensitivity to UV rays; choose skin care products and cosmetics carefully: be gentle to avoid skin irritation. ( Dermatologist of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital - Huang Xinlu)

[Extended reading]

Summer skin care, remember these first aid knowledge

Ultraviolet rays are more, stronger and longer in summer, so they can also induce or aggravate certain skin diseases, such as Various stains , sunburn, solar dermatitis.

●Emergency relief for sunburn

Sunburn mainly refers to two problems: phototoxicity and photohypersensitivity. When encountering burning pain and itching after sunburn, physical cooling should be given as soon as possible, including ice packs and ice water. If you have the conditions, you can prepare purslane , wild chrysanthemum , and dandelion. After sunburn, use the above three medicines to boil water (10 minutes is enough), then refrigerate it, and then take it out for cold compress, which will have better effects.

Mosquito bites There are ways

After mosquito bites, you can choose soapy water and other alkaline solutions to relieve the irritation symptoms of the acidic venom on the skin. The commonly used Chonglou Jiedu Tincture and calamine lotion are also good choices. If severe infection or allergic reaction occurs, seek medical attention promptly.

Skin care is a

● Oily heads, Stinky feet Here’s how to deal with it

When you have persistent oily heads, dandruff, and smelly feet, you may be troubled by fungi. In addition to correcting your life and eating habits, try this little recipe: 60 grams of purslane, 330 grams of sophora flavescens, 320 grams of cnidii, 330 grams of cork, and 20 grams of wild chrysanthemum.After boiling in water for 15 minutes, let it cool, wash your hair and soak your feet. It usually takes effect after a week. (Dermatologist-Hu Bo, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine)

Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are exposed to the sun, other rays, and artificial light sources such as incandescent lamps , etc., which can aggravate facial erythema, cause rashes, burning sensations, and itching pain on exposed skin, or aggravate systemic symptoms. This This phenomenon is called "photosensitivity". This is because ultraviolet rays can convert DNA in the skin into thymine dimers, thereby enhancing the antigenicity and inducing lupus disease activity. Therefore, it is very important to use sun protection in summer, not only to prevent sunburn.

It is also necessary to prevent lupus erythematosus through diet in summer. For patients with rashes, trauma, sores or certain diseases, eating hair products can easily aggravate the condition. Fried and spicy foods, seafood such as shrimps and crabs, fruits such as mango and pineapple, and meats such as goose, beef, and dog meat that promote dampness and heat production are all hair-causing foods, and lupus patients should pay attention to these foods. In addition, some foods and drugs that are likely to cause photoallergy, such as psoralen, shiitake mushrooms, celery, figs, etc.; foods containing estrogen, such as purple river car, royal jelly, etc. Not suitable for consumption. (Chief Physician of Rheumatology Department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine-He Yiting)

Skin care is a


Some people are allergic to ultraviolet rays

When exposed to the sun, they will experience redness, swelling, itching, and even fever and nausea. It may be due to ultraviolet allergy, or It's called solar dermatitis. Ultraviolet rays are enhanced in summer, and the mid-wave ultraviolet rays in sunlight are overexposed, causing such acute inflammatory reactions to occur on more sensitive skin.

People who have genetic factors, allergies, eat photosensitive foods (such as spinach, shepherd's purse, eggplant, figs, etc.), are exposed to light-sensitive cosmetics, and are exposed to the sun without protection are more likely to suffer from this type of Dermatitis . Solar dermatitis mostly occurs in late spring and early summer, and is common in areas exposed to sunlight such as the face, neck, and arms. Symptoms include itching, flushing, and swelling of the exposed skin. In severe cases, blisters may occur, followed by erosion, residual pigmentation, or hypopigmentation. Patients report itching, burning or tenderness. Systemic symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness may also occur. Patients with mild symptoms of the disease should avoid sunlight exposure. The symptoms will gradually reduce over time until they disappear. Severe patients are recommended to seek medical treatment immediately at a dermatology department. The doctor will give antihistamines , vitamins and topical drugs and other treatments.

In summer, we should actively prevent solar dermatitis. Avoid sun exposure: 10 a.m. to 14 p.m. is the time when ultraviolet radiation is strongest, so you should try to avoid going out; cover yourself with hats and clothing and apply sunscreen when you must go out; Diet: Eat more foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin C to weaken the body Sensitivity to UV rays; choose skin care products and cosmetics carefully: be gentle to avoid skin irritation. ( Dermatologist of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital - Huang Xinlu)

[Extended reading]

Summer skin care, remember these first aid knowledge

Ultraviolet rays are more, stronger and longer in summer, so they can also induce or aggravate certain skin diseases, such as Various stains , sunburn, solar dermatitis.

●Emergency relief for sunburn

Sunburn mainly refers to two problems: phototoxicity and photohypersensitivity. When encountering burning pain and itching after sunburn, physical cooling should be given as soon as possible, including ice packs and ice water. If you have the conditions, you can prepare purslane , wild chrysanthemum , and dandelion. After sunburn, use the above three medicines to boil water (10 minutes is enough), then refrigerate it, and then take it out for cold compress, which will have better effects.

Mosquito bites There are ways

After mosquito bites, you can choose soapy water and other alkaline solutions to relieve the irritation symptoms of the acidic venom on the skin. The commonly used Chonglou Jiedu Tincture and calamine lotion are also good choices. If severe infection or allergic reaction occurs, seek medical attention promptly.

Skin care is a

● Oily heads, Stinky feet Here’s how to deal with it

When you have persistent oily heads, dandruff, and smelly feet, you may be troubled by fungi. In addition to correcting your life and eating habits, try this little recipe: 60 grams of purslane, 330 grams of sophora flavescens, 320 grams of cnidii, 330 grams of cork, and 20 grams of wild chrysanthemum.After boiling in water for 15 minutes, let it cool, wash your hair and soak your feet. It usually takes effect after a week. (Dermatologist-Hu Bo, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine)

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