Fitness is just a term in modern times. In modern times and before, there was basically no mention of this word. But there are martial arts schools, monks in temples, and some people who get up early to practice. Taoists practice martial arts, shearing, etc., such as Tai Chi in W

2024/05/2105:58:33 fashion 1111

fitness is just a modern term. In modern times and before, there was basically no mention of this word. But there are martial arts schools, monks in temples, and some people who get up early to practice. Taoists practice martial arts, shearing, etc., such as Tai Chi in Wudang. Beggar's Gang 's 18-drop palm, Nine-Yang Magic, Nine-Yin Manual, etc. . . Most of them are done for self-defense or to defend against enemies. Until Bruce Lee opened a martial arts gym, the slogan was to promote the spirit of sports. When civilization has developed to a certain level, the hands and feet that were supposed to go up the mountains to cut firewood and go down to the rivers to catch fish can now at most step on the accelerator and brake. Just press the keyboard and the phone screen is gone. Therefore, the physical skills and physical stamina that followed were greatly reduced. And with the development of refined diet, various chronic diseases have followed. Chronic disease is not scary. The scary thing is that you didn’t realize it was coming. The scary thing is that after you realize it, you still don’t do anything. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that divine healing can prevent illness. Therefore, fitness and health care both belong to the category or stage of treating diseases before they are .

Fitness cannot make you fat in one go, it needs to be done step by step. You need to have a normal mind, exercise properly, exercise, and adjust yourself mentally. Slowly, your body's condition will slowly improve.

Fitness is just a term in modern times. In modern times and before, there was basically no mention of this word. But there are martial arts schools, monks in temples, and some people who get up early to practice. Taoists practice martial arts, shearing, etc., such as Tai Chi in W - DayDayNews

Fitness is just a term in modern times. In modern times and before, there was basically no mention of this word. But there are martial arts schools, monks in temples, and some people who get up early to practice. Taoists practice martial arts, shearing, etc., such as Tai Chi in W - DayDayNews

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