For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable.

2024/05/2019:06:33 fashion 1131

With the continuous evolution of human beings, although most of the hair on the body has faded, the remaining hair has corresponding functions and effects.

In fact, body hair is distributed on the surface of our bodies, and its main function is to protect the health of all parts of the human body.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy. , very uncomfortable.

Another example is eyebrows. Many people wonder whether eyebrows can also protect the skin? Even though it is not obvious in this aspect, if there are no eyebrows, the facial features will always appear uncoordinated and the appearance will be instantly lowered.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews

Many people still wonder, why is there still anal hair?

Speaking of steel anal hair, it seems that most people do not have a detailed understanding of the hair on the buttocks, and are even ashamed to understand it. In fact, both men and women have anal hair to a greater or lesser extent, but because this part is relatively private, it is not Will share with others.

Why do many people grow "anal hair"?

There is hair growth around the anus, which is called anal hair. This is a normal phenomenon that degeneration has not fully formed during the evolution from to monkey . Just like armpit hair, it is a normal phenomenon. Some people have more hair and some have less hair due to personal reasons or genetic conditions.

In addition, anal hair is very helpful for the health of the anus. It can keep the anus ventilated and promote local metabolism and excretion of toxins, so we do not need to deliberately remove it in daily life.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews

Can the hair on the anus be shaved off? Don’t be shy to understand

Anal hair is helpful to our health to a certain extent, but it also has shortcomings. As the saying goes, everything has its two sides. For example, if anal hair is too long, it will cause discomfort. If If you don't pay attention to hygiene and clean it in time, odor will appear. So many people think of shaving their anal hair directly to solve this problem.

However, we still do not recommend cutting off local hair for two reasons:

. We must know that our body has to excrete excess impurities from the body every day. Otherwise, it is easy to cause constipation. In this case, the anus will be Bacteria are everywhere, and the skin in this area has many wrinkles, which can easily harbor dirt and evil.

However, the appearance of anal hair can have a certain antibacterial effect and protect the perianal skin from bacterial infection.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews. If the anal hair is cut off, improper operation or improper force can easily cause local skin damage, leading to folliculitis and other diseases.

Especially after cutting, new hair will grow. The newly grown hair is relatively tough and will cause irritation to the surrounding skin and induce perianal diseases.

Although anal hair is unsightly, it does a lot of good!

Although body hair grows in the anal area, many beauty lovers cannot accept it. But its role cannot be ignored.

First of all, it can ensure that the anus is not contaminated by bacteria. It is like a protective line of the anus, which can effectively isolate internal bacteria and avoid impact on the perianal skin. It can also effectively isolate external bacteria from contaminating the anus.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews

Secondly, because of the existence of anal hair, ventilation of the anal area can be ensured, preventing the anus from being in a humid environment for a long time, inducing other discomforts or infections, and maintaining a comfortable state at all times.

Finally, the existence of anal hair can also effectively alleviate the friction between the perianal skin. This is the most powerful experience for people who are used to scraping the anus. If the anal hair is scraped, the friction between the steel hairs will With increased pressure, especially when sweating, the skin will easily stick together, the comfort will be greatly reduced, and the skin will easily appear red, swollen, or even damaged.

I often feel itchy anus, what should I do?

I often feel itchy anus for the following reasons:

. There are roundworms in the anus

If there are roundworms, they are likely to breed near the anus, causing irritation to the anus and symptoms of itching.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews

Even if certain methods are used to relieve it, there is no obvious anti-itching effect. In this case, you should seek help from a professional doctor and use specialized anthelmintic drugs to effectively relieve itching.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews, Hemorrhoids

People who sit at computer desks for a long time are also high-risk groups for hemorrhoids. This is mainly due to a problem caused by anal varicose veins.

And when hemorrhoids occur, the wound is difficult to heal, and if you don’t pay attention to cleaning, it is easy to become infected, which will cause itching symptoms.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews, rhinitis

This disease is mainly caused by fungal infection . It not only has obvious itching symptoms, but also secretions.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews

The most obvious symptom of itching caused by jock itch is that the more you scratch, the more it itches and becomes more uncomfortable. Once this happens, attention should be paid to it. It is best to seek medical treatment in time to avoid aggravation of symptoms and missing the best opportunity for treatment.

Anal itching is not only uncomfortable, but also brings troubles to work and social life. How to solve it?

First of all, when anal itching occurs, you must remember not to scratch it with your hands to avoid damaging the perianal skin.

Secondly, when taking a bath, do not use shower gel and other cleaning products to clean the itchy area. Try to use warm water to clean it, and wipe it gently with a clean towel to absorb the water.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews

In this case, if the symptoms of itching are relieved, it can be treated slowly through daily adjustments. However, if the symptoms of itching are severe and you cannot find a solution after a hundred attempts, you should seek medical treatment in time and use corresponding drugs for treatment.

You should take more care of the anal area in life, and never take it seriously to prevent the occurrence of itching.

Finally, bad eating habits can also easily cause anal itching, hemorrhoids and other problems.

For example, if you often eat spicy and irritating foods, if you want to relieve the symptoms of itching, you should change your eating habits and eat a light diet and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sitting for a long time is also the reason why the anal area is airtight, moist and itchy. It can easily cause poor blood return in the anal veins and induce hemorrhoids.

For example, armpit hair is very annoying to women in the hot summer, because if they wear a little revealing clothes, the armpit hair will be exposed, which seriously affects a person's external image and makes people feel sloppy and very unpleasant. Comfortable. - DayDayNews

So after doing it for a period of time, you might as well stand up and take a proper rest, walk back and forth, and try not to wear pants that are too tight. Especially in hot summer, sweat cannot be dissipated in time, which can easily lead to anal itching.

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