Many people stay up late because they are "reluctant to sleep". We are busy studying and working during the day, and the evening is our real time. Staying up late can give us psychological satisfaction. But if you don’t get a good night’s rest, your energy the next day will most

2024/05/1817:46:33 fashion 1824

Many people stay up late because they are “reluctant to sleep”. We are busy studying and working during the day, and the evening is our real time. Staying up late can give us psychological satisfaction.

But if you don’t get a good rest at night, your energy the next day will most likely be affected. Over time, our bodies may gradually adapt to the negative state caused by lack of sleep, and may even be in "sub-health" without knowing it.

Many people stay up late because they are

The disfigurement caused by staying up late is really visible.

There are various side effects of staying up late.

Sallow complexion is very common and well known. ▼

Many people stay up late because they are

Dark circles, puffy eyes, and big eye bags make people feel listless and tired at first sight. ▼

Many people stay up late because they are

Some people may have dry skin. After staying up late, the pores will become connected, making dry lines and fine lines more obvious. ▼

Many people stay up late because they are

Some people are oily on the outside and dry on the inside. Oil + blackheads make the skin look dirty, as if they don’t wash their face every day. ▼

Many people stay up late because they are

Staying up late and breaking out pimples is a trap that both sensitive and non-sensitive skin fairies may fall into. ▼

Many people stay up late because they are

I won’t say much more if I advise everyone to go to bed early (people who stay up late know people who stay up late, I understand the truth, but I still can’t control myself).

Manyou Skin Care Here are the ways for sisters to avoid staying up

1. Step by step, slowly adjust the biological clock.

When you are used to going to bed at two in the morning, and suddenly one day you decide not to stay up late anymore, so you lie in bed at 10:30 at night, you often end up tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep. You can adjust your sleep time forward by twenty minutes or half an hour each time for 3-5 days, adjusting your biological clock bit by bit and eventually stabilizing it.

2. Don’t eat dinner very late

Try to arrange the time for eating as early as possible, so as to maintain everyone’s digestion of food, because eating late and sleeping together are very bad for health. Some people are very busy and end up having dinner after 8 o'clock, which will delay the time and cause them to stay up late. They should choose a dinner time around 6:30 in the evening so that they can go to bed at 11 o'clock.

3. Reading books instead of mobile phones

If you play with mobile phones for a long time before going to bed, one is that it will excite the brain and make you less sleepy the more you play, especially the short videos that are more popular now. It is promised that you will only watch ten minutes, but before you know it, you will be exhausted in an hour. It's past.

Another damage to the eyes is not small. After working for a day, the eyes are already very tired. After returning home, they are still overusing their eyes. In the long run, it will cause eye diseases. But if you take a book instead of a mobile phone before going to bed, the meaning may be different.

On the one hand, when reading a book, people's consciousness will be placed on another level, which will put their thoughts in a more comfortable state. This is why children always like to listen to stories before going to bed. On the other hand, when reading a book, the human body and brain will be in a relaxed state, which will be more conducive to sleep.

Many people stay up late because they are

Everyone must be aware of the harm that staying up late does to the body. It not only seriously affects our physical health, but also affects our families and lives. There are many ways to prevent staying up late, and adjusting the biological clock, reading books instead of mobile phones, and not eating dinner very late are three more effective methods. Therefore, you must understand these methods to prevent staying up late. If you or your family members often stay up late Yes, you can also teach them these methods.

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