In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later

2021/10/1220:32:02 fashion 2512

applies the talk show of Zhou Qimo , I, an ordinary girl, want to be beautiful because I really want to lose my mind. After going through various detours, I summarized some of the most practical, fastest and most effective methods. After all, even my leaders have started to praise my appearance soaring recently. How can I not write it down and share it with my sisters~

sisters, first look at the four pictures, what do they have in common:

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

Four pictures, with yellow skin, cold white hair; with long hair and medium hair. Dress or sport, or girly, or elegant. can tell even if she doesn't show her face, she is definitely a beautiful woman.

On the Internet, the appearance value is improved, and you often hold on to one point. For example, it looks good when you become cold and white, or you have a beautiful vibe with long hair. In the past two years, various cosmetics advertisements have also begun to engage in this routine, so that the sisters feel that as long as they own this lipstick, their beauty can be up and up.

But the fact is, after you have the same style of celebrity, you discovered that the same thing you have in common with the female celebrity is this lipstick.

The main points of ordinary people's appearance improvement , or look at a picture first:

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

This is a full-length photo, we usually go out, others can see at a glance In this way, it is a whole , not the new sequined eyeshadow on your face.

So,The key to improving the appearance of ordinary girls can be from a whole, is divided into three parts: hair, face, body, These three parts are which others can see at a glance, and are the easiest to change , of course. , The changes in these three parts are also 's most impressive .

First, the hair.

Hair Quality and Volume>Styling and Color

We can think of using hair to beautify as a pyramid, and hair quality and volume are the basis. On the basis, find a good Tony and cut a hairstyle that suits your face shape. Sisters who like to dye, look for the color that suits you when choosing the color. Don't think that other people's pink hair is Barbie, you just follow the trend to dye it! !

Then, pay attention to color protection, the layering of hair color really reduces the value of the face. Finally, maintain the volume of the hair daily. Look at the picture and compare to know how important it is to keep fluffy.

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

Then, face.

Face part: contour>skin>facial features

Let’s go and observe, some celebrities have eyes that are not as big as ordinary people, and their noses are not particularly strong, but they are very photogenic. Why? Here, the outline occupies a big factor.

But ordinary people, without photogenic needs, can't cut their bones at will. So where can I start to improve contours?

The answer is face-lifting needle and lifting mandibular margin .

The face-lifting needle is used to inject botulinum to thin the masseter muscle ,The masseter muscle is where everyone clenches their teeth and sticks out on both sides. Many times, people feel that their faces weren’t that wide before, and why they are getting wider. In fact, it’s because of the masseter muscles. Generally speaking, if the masseter muscle is particularly developed, the temporal (both sides of the forehead) muscles will also be very developed, so they can be injected together to make the wide forehead narrower.

And the mandibular margin is where the side face connects to the neck in the picture. It is also injected with botulinum toxin to make the mandibular margin clear.

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

Breaking the skin injection, especially this kind of project that puts things into the face, everyone must be cautious. Choose a regular hospital, regular doctors give injections, and don't go to any Sanwu beauty salon and just find someone to fight.

Because the injection of botulinum seems to be finished with a few injections, but in fact, it is necessary for the doctor to evaluate whether you are suitable for you, the dosage and the position of the injection, not just two injections.

Of course, if you just have a lot of meat, fat reduction is the priority, and then you will consider botulism. The picture below shows the effect after I played Acha for a month, and it is still very obvious.

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

This is what I published on Xiaohongshu at that time.

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

After the contour is improved, let's talk about the skin. There are so many tricks for the skin, even if you ask everyone, everyone has their own set of maintenance procedures. However, it is inseparable from its origin, and the secret of better skin lies in stability + individual breaks.

Sooner or later, strong medicine essence is popular. Every girl buys skin care products, just like a big purchase in the laboratory, vitamin A for a while, and a high concentration of VC for a while. In the end, the barrier is damaged, and the gain is not worth the loss.

When it comes to skin care, remember to be impatient. No matter whether it is whitening or anti-aging, it must first be stable. No matter what strong medicine is, it must be used with Weiwende skin care products. And must build tolerance. Don't think that tolerance is a day or two that allows the skin to adapt completely, especially for vitamin A. Must start slowly from a low concentration.

and choose skin care products,You can't rush for success, just like the practice, all kinds of skin care products are on the face. is the best long-term + short-term combination.

What does it mean?

is, for example, your skin is now severely inflamed, but you want to become cold white, and you want to have small pores. Take repairing the barrier as a relatively long-term goal and choose skin care products, plus anti-inflammatory and anti-acne products. Whitening and pore shrinkage are both late, so I won’t consider it for now. After the skin is stable, change the anti-inflammatory to whitening or something else.

Then, no matter how big the skin care products are, their effectiveness is actually limited. If your skin problems are already very serious, such as acne and severe spots, is best to go to the hospital or choose a formal medical beauty to solve it, and seek formal channels. will save money than buying by yourself.

Let me show you my skin from the time I exploded my acne before and now it has gradually stabilized.

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

When I exploded before

In order to be beautiful, I performed a full body transformation, and the effect was amazing a month later - DayDayNews

Now, I only wear lipstick. It has been cleaned a lot, but there are still pores and acne marks. We need to continue to work hard. In addition to plastic surgery, the most direct way is to make up. It is more important to choose a makeup face that suits you.

Make-up, I don’t recommend learning any beauty bloggers. It’s not the fastest to find a celebrity whose face shape is similar to my own. Follow the study. recommends three methods here:

first, is the simulation makeup of light oxygen APP, this is my first recommendation. It will teach you how to and how to choose the eyebrows that suit you. It can be said to be in one step. Although there is only one makeup face picture, as long as you feel one makeup face,Can become more. Second, all kinds of beauty apps, whether it’s a light camera or Meitu Xiuxiu , there are various styles of makeup on them. You can try each one and find the best one you think is the best one. Zhenghua.

Third, , the counter asks the counter to make makeup or spend money to go to the offline dressing room, let them transform themselves, take pictures and stay and learn by themselves. Of course, this is time-consuming and expensive.

After a set of procedures, your whole person is like changing your head. I followed this process for almost two months, and today my colleagues suspected that I wanted to fall in love, so I became beautiful. I also asked me what new liquid foundation I bought. My skin became paler and better. In fact, I only put on sunscreen and loose powder .

Finally, here comes the point, body!

The body can also be divided into several small parts: clothes matching + body + body skin.

For clothes collocation, go to the physical store to try more. Don't just look at the beauty bloggers and get overwhelmed. The key to dressing is not how fashionable it is, but the steady progress of .

First find the style that suits you best, so that the overall collocation is close. For example, if you like small and fresh, then not only the clothes should be small and fresh, but also hair/jewelry/shoes need to lean here. Keep it every day, don't be too delicate one day, one day sloppy like a week without a bath.

After stabilizing, you can advance to enhance the fashion level, or intersperse some other styles in between, let others shine, and feel that you are not only fresh and sexy, but you can also hold it.

Of course, the premise of everything, you have to have a figure. sounds like an anxious figure, but this is the truth, otherwise Taobao live Why should you hire a model with a good figure? You buy clothes to follow suit, right?

Train your body. If you are overweight, lose fat first. If you have the right weight, focus on your shoulders, waist, and hips. After training in these three places, it is basically a clothes rack.

Finally, the body skin. If you insist on applying body lotion, the skin doesn't have to be white, but moisturizing is in place, and it won't be skin or dry, and it will look good in clothes that are exposed to the skin. Do a good job of hair removal, especially for those who need to expose your legs, and you must remove hair in advance.

Okay, because space is limited, first write down the three key points. More detailed homework

will be written later.

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