The recently popular animation "Mortal Cultivation to Immortality" has reached the chapter of "Farewell to Tiannan". It stands to reason that this chapter mainly tells some wonderful stories that happened when Han Li was regarded as an abandoned son in Yellow Maple Valley and whe

The recently popular animation "Mortal Cultivation to Immortality" has reached the chapter of "Farewell to Tiannan". It stands to reason that this chapter mainly talks about Han Li's abandonment in Yellow Maple Valley and some wonderful stories that happened while he was preparing to run away to the Chaos Star Sea. However, in these episodes of animation, the animation production team not only spent a lot of space to depict the emotional entanglement between Hong Fu, Li Huayuan and Yunlu Laomo, but also made Han Li a marginal character. Faced with this kind of adaptation, if you are not a party to the original work, you can still accept it, but for those who have read the original work, you will not understand the idea, and you can't help but say that the adaptation of the previous sentence is not a random fabrication.

In the original work, after Han Li was regarded as an abandoned son by Huang Maple Valley, he found an opportunity to directly go to Yuanwu Kingdom, and got the repaired ancient teleportation array from Xin Ruyin, and prepared to rely on this array to continue running. During this period, he met Several casual cultivators from the Yuanwu Kingdom learned from their mouths the retreat of various factions in the Yue Kingdom and the fact that they had become abandoned sons. The animation added its own adaptation to the plot of the evacuation of various factions in these few words. I was full of expectations at the beginning, but what I didn't expect was that it turned into a middle-aged and elderly love story.

In the animation, Li Huayuan has no Taoist companion, and he loves senior sister Hongfu very much, and Yunlu is obsessed with taking away the MILF Hongfu. The settings are actually acceptable, and when Li Huayuan heard that Hongfu was raped by Linghu After being betrayed, it was also very exciting to rush to the rescue. If this story stopped at the point where Li Huayuan suddenly came to help Hong Fu resist the pink skeleton, it would be a wonderful adaptation. But what is surprising is that the animation team spent nearly three more episodes to let these three people perform an emotional drama that is constantly cutting and confusing, so that the three characters of Li Huayuan, Hong Fu and Yunlu Laomo all appear. There were varying degrees of collapse, which made me think I was watching the plot of the Immortal World.

Logically speaking, after Li Huayuan and Hong Fu took the elixir given by Wang Yu, it was the most correct choice to run away immediately, but they did not do so and insisted on entangled with the two pink skeletons until Yun Lu Lao The devil comes. Facing Old Demon Yunlu who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Li Huayuan and Li Huayuan were unable to fight or run away. However, they negotiated conditions with him. Old Demon Yunlu could control them with one hand, but he also negotiated with them. After playing, aren't they afraid that making such a fuss will bring out the demons in Dong Xuan'er's heart? In the end, Li Huayuan was killed in order to protect his senior sister. Although the atmosphere of the heroic sacrifice was well-done, it left people speechless rather than moved. As for the Easter egg in which the soul penetrates the immortal realm in the end, it was even less... No surprises at all.

Although Li Huayuan was heroic and enlightened, Han Li was miserable. You must know that in the original plot, except for the Ghost Spirit Sect and Wang Chan, there is no bitter and grudged relationship between Han Li and the devil. , and when the Mulans invaded Tiannan, Han Li fought side by side with the old demon Yunlu. However, after the adaptation of the animation, facing the revenge of the killer, the cautious Han Li may have to destroy the six demons. Zong, only by tearing Yunlu and Linghu apart can the idea be clear. If the animation continues to be produced in this direction, subsequent adaptations will become more and more difficult, and this is not what we want to see.