In the TV series "Tiandao", the male protagonist Ding Yuanying made a series of plans to lead Wangmiao Village out of poverty. The entire layout allows us to see how he follows the rules and does things, and also allows us to see what he does under different circumstances. What i

In the TV series "Tiandao", the male protagonist Ding Yuanying made a series of plans to lead Wangmiao Village out of poverty. The entire layout allows us to see how he follows the rules and does things, and also allows us to see What is the truest humanity of people in different situations?

It was difficult for Feng Shijie. Under Ding Yuanying's planning, he was able to change the fate of the villagers of Wangmiao Village who had been impoverished for countless generations in a short period of time. In the eyes of everyone, Ding Yuanying was their " "The Savior" is truly a master.

The most important thing for Ding Yuanying to be able to do this is his three thoughts, which we need to be familiar with and master.

1. Make a decision and then act

After agreeing to Rui Xiaodan to help Wangmiao Village with poverty alleviation, Ding Yuanying did not take immediate action. Instead, she locked herself in the rental house and stayed at home. During this period of time, Ding Yuanying has been sorting out various useful information at home and abroad, and used this information to formulate a perfect plan.

Judging from the plot of the entire TV series, Ding Yuanying is always able to do the right thing at the right time, and can remain calm in the face of danger, as if he had expected these things to happen. The brilliance of Ding Yuanying is that he makes decisions before taking action, so no matter what happens, he can face it calmly.

2. Hidden his own plan very well

Ding Yuanying’s “Kill the Rich and Help the Poor” plan was finally completed successfully. Lesheng Company, the former leading enterprise in the audio industry, also had to bow to metrical poetry . So as a company with only a spear but no shield Of course Lin Yufeng, the boss of Lesheng Company, couldn't swallow this breath, so he wanted to kill Ding Yuanying.

But in the end, it fell into the hands of Ding Yuanying. For Ding Yuanying, all these developments basically followed the route he planned. It can be said that Ding Yuanying left nothing behind.

But the most important thing that can ensure that Ding Yuanying's plan can be successfully completed is that Ding Yuanying hides his original plan very well. No one knows about it, so there are no unexpected factors that interfere with Ding Yuanying's plan.

Ding Yuanying has always known that once the plan is leaked, it will be full of various risks that cannot be controlled, so Ding Yuanying has always hidden her plan well and achieved her ultimate goal.

3. Can control one's own emotional changes

For people like Ding Yuanying, their emotional changes are completely under their control. Just like when Ding Yuanying's father was seriously ill in the hospital, Ding Yuanying was not like other children who only worried about sadness and panic. Instead, she was very calm. In the eyes of others, Ding Yuanying even seemed particularly cold-blooded.

Ding Yuanying does not disrespect his father, but he knows better that the more tense the situation, the more he needs to face it rationally and control his emotions to make the most correct decision.

The TV series "The Way of Heaven" is a very classic work. Not only is the TV series wonderful, but his original novel " The Distant Messiah " is also very popular. The novel contains a lot of life wisdom, which not only allows you to find the secret to making money, but also helps you improve your thinking space, enhance your awareness, and then take you to a higher level in your career!

If you are interested in "The Way of Heaven" and want to study it in depth, it is recommended to read the original work "The Distant Savior". Although this drama has a high degree of restoration of the novel, there are too many deletions in the drama. Read it several times and read it thoroughly and repeatedly, which will help you see more clearly and wisely.

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