Pokémon has developed for eight generations now, and many Pokémon have also experienced great development. Although the appearance of Pokémon has not changed much, in terms of Pokémon battles, different Pokémon The strength gap between Meng is also quite large. Therefore, there a

Pokémon has developed to 8 generations now, and many Pokémon have also experienced great development. Although the appearance of Pokémon has not changed much, in terms of Pokémon battles, different Pokémon The strength gap between Kamu is also quite large. Therefore, there are currently some Pokémon that are relatively magical and very popular due to various reasons. However, in battles, their strength has gradually failed to keep up with their current intensity.

1, Squirtle

As one of the first three royal families, Squirtle is not too weak, but even if it evolves into Water Arrow Turtle , it is not of much use in battle. Among many Pokémon, Squirtle’s popularity can be said to be very special, and a large part of it is famous because of emoticons. Nowadays, there are emoticons of the Pokémon Squirtle everywhere, and most of them are the wonderful performance of Squirtle in the animation. In the animation, there is a group of silly Squirtles who are good at being funny. It can be said that no one will like them when they wear sunglasses. This is Squirtle. He is widely recognized by the audience because of his humorous image and his own characteristics, but he basically has no chance to see the battle.

2, Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit

This Pokémon is also very popular among players. It has the dual attributes of ghost and fire. It looks like a chandelier from the appearance. It is also the main force of the Four Heavenly Kings Wanlong in the Hezhong area. In the ghost Among the Pokémon in the series, Crystal Lantern's popularity is also quite good, and it was even ranked in the top 20 most popular Pokémon at one time. At the same time, Crystal Lantern's combat strength is also very high. The most recognized thing among players in battle is its 145 points of special attack, which is the top among non-legendary Pokémon. Coupled with the characteristics of stepping on shadows or igniting fire, basically it is quite effective in battles, but it may not be that high now.

3, Roentgen Cat

Roentgen Cat This Pokémon is indeed quite tall in terms of appearance alone. The lines of her body are very smooth, and with her sufficient electric ability, her performance in the animation is quite outstanding, and she also had a high chance of appearing in the animation. The setting and image are good, so her popularity has always been possible. . However, the Roentgen Cat basically has no room for good performance in the game. While the electric system generally has good speed, the Roentgen Cat has a speed of only 70 points, which does have a great impact on the battle. In terms of characteristics, although it has pretty good characteristics, it just can't stand up in battle.

4, Mane Rock Werewolf

The mane rock werewolf of the rock system has three forms, namely daytime, night and the rarest dusk. The evolution method is also based on the weather and characteristics. The Mane Rock Werewolf is another representative that is very popular because of its particularly handsome appearance, and it also plays a lot of roles in animations. The distribution of racial values ​​is also biased towards the two aspects of physical attack and speed. When fighting against Mane Rock Werewolf, it can basically only target some specific Pokémon. At other times, because its own abilities take priority, it basically cannot take advantage of it. What advantages.

It can be said that the strength of Pokémon nowadays is getting more and more outrageous. Among the legendary Pokémon, there is even a powerful existence like Cang Xiang with 148 speed, 170 physical attack points, and useless special attack points as low as 80 points. It can be said that it already occupies a considerable advantage in the allocation of racial values ​​​​and . It can be said that the battle strength of Pokémon will generally increase in the later stages, and it is still necessary to continuously adapt to the development of the environment.

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