As "Kamen Rider" became more and more popular, many artists began to design new transformation forms or new knights to increase their popularity. New works would be released every few days, and as time went by, some artists began to " "Touchingyu", the Kamen Rider created is stil

Hello! Hello everyone, I am Yuan Wu, and I will show you a different Kamen Rider every day.

As "Kamen Rider" spreads more and more widely, many artists began to design new transformation forms or new knights to enhance their popularity. They will release new works every few days, and as time goes by, some artists begin to The Kamen Rider created by "touching fish" is still handsome, but I always feel like I have seen it somewhere before. So today will share with you the 8 new knights designed by the artist while touching fish. If you are interested, come and take a look!

The first one is a bull knight who uses a gun as a weapon. The helmet is in the shape of a bull's head, and the shoulder armor is designed to look like a bull's horns. With the shimmering silver light, if added with a cape, it will be like the silver holy cloth among Saint Seiyas. The transformer is a very simple single bottle design, and only one prop can be inserted into it for each transformation. This look is very familiar, very similar to the villain robot in "Emperor Knight".

Then there is Kamen Rider Jack designed based on Solitaire J. The whole body is mainly green, with silver and red as auxiliary colors. The square helmet has a red plum blossom pattern mask on it, which looks very much like "Sai Q Lai Fight". In addition, The exclusive weapon "Plum Blossom Sword" looks like the perfect insect instrument of Kabuto, and with the appearance and style of the Showa Knights, it has a full sense of homage.

The most interesting thing is that an artist designed a music-themed Kamen Rider. The transformer looks like the tape machine from the 1980s. The appearance is the insect style of the Showa Knights. He wears silver-blue armor outside the black protective suit. Through the golden quantum flow pipes connected throughout the body to enhance the strength of the whole body, it feels like seeing the Showa version of Kamen Rider Faiz.

There is also the Space Knight designed based on Kamen Rider's Bastide. It still has the shape of an astronaut, but has a stronger sense of technology. It has removed the astronomical switch settings, and its arms and legs are equipped with special deformation equipment. It has the ability to launch, With functions such as jets and chains, you can switch to different combat modes by turning the buttons on the transformer. It feels like you can rely on existing technology to create similar armor and equipment.

This is a three-volume form designed by the artist based on the world view of "Kamen Rider Blade". It uses the three fantasy driving books of Bigfoot, Mammoth Wars, and Ice Princess to transform into an ice and snow sword fighter stationed in the Antarctic Forbidden Land. One of the elders of the Sword of Truth. The appearance is very handsome, but it looks like a replica of Kamen Rider Blade Mane Hair Ice Beast Senki.

Some painters’ creative works are to fuse the settings of different knights together. For example, this pair of brother and sister knights pay tribute to Levis. The brother is a scorpion-themed knight wearing heavy armor, and the sister is a cobra-themed knight. It looks like Very dangerous, like a bad woman, the most conspicuous thing is that the transformer they use is basically the same as Kaiwu's " battle pole driver ", I really admire it.

The last fan knight is called Kamen Rider Earth . It looks like a demon. The setting of the transformer is similar to that of the Soki Driver. It uses coin-shaped props and the socket is similar to a fidget spinner. It can insert three kinds of coins and rotate them. For the combination of two of the powers, the six prototype devices mounted on the armor will also be combined into corresponding weapons. The ability settings of Danqi and Oz are also borrowed here, so don’t accept it.

Although the above knights are the artist's masterpieces, they all look handsome. I wonder which one you like? I'm Yuan Wu, see you tomorrow, bye!