The trailer for episode 57 of the second season of "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" has been updated. Judging from the preview of the new episode, it can be said that a lot of information has been revealed. What is particularly surprising is that the official has added another

The trailer for episode 57 of the second season of " Mortal Cultivation of Immortality " has been updated. Judging from the preview of the new episode, it can be said that a lot of information has been revealed. What is particularly surprising is that the official has added another scene to Brother Song Meng, and the ultimate opponent of Li Huayuan and others has finally come out. Without saying much, let’s analyze it together.


Song Meng’s drama again

First, let’s take a look at Song Meng’s drama again. I don't know about others, but my personal feeling is that Song Meng's plot should have ended long ago, and he should have been offline and unfit to come out again. Why do you say that? Because there have been enough plots about Song Meng before, from Jin Guyuan's first appearance, to participating in the battle of Yuehuang Palace, to the defense of Jin Guyuan, he had too many scenes during this period, and finally the defense of Jin Guyuan ended In the end, he protected his senior sister Zhong Weiniang and evacuated. Even if it was the best ending, it was already much better than the original work, and it also added too many scenes.

As a result, in the trailer, he appeared again, and as soon as he appeared, he met Han Li. After seeing him, Han Li asked his master and his uncle where was Hong Fu? But the question is, does this have anything to do with Song Meng? The retreat routes of Song Meng, Hongfu Li Huayuan and others were not the same, and even Han Li himself escaped from Hongfu's team. How could Song Meng know the whereabouts of Li Huayuan and Hong Fu?

It can be said that Song Meng has no idea where Master and Hong Fu are, let alone whether they are alive or dead. But Han Li knew that Han Li saw his master Li Huayuan running desperately to save Hong Fu. Song Meng didn't know where he was at that time, so Han Li shouldn't ask Song Meng how his master and uncle were doing. , such a question will invisibly weaken Han Li's IQ. I hope the official will pay attention to it in the future, not to add too much drama to the supporting characters, and also pay attention to the rationality of the plot.


Li Huayuan’s mahjong magic weapon is powerful

Then let’s talk about Han Li’s master Li Huayuan. Judging from the trailer, the main plot revolves around Li Huayuan's fight against the old demon Yunlu of the Hehuan Sect. Before, I personally thought that the mahjong official in this work was just for fun, to make the mountain lack of rain, and let the author Wangyu come out and have a guest appearance, but it should not be used again. This extremely inconsistent thing appears again. But now it seems that I was wrong. The official did not even think about getting rid of something inappropriate like mahjong. Instead, it set mahjong as Li Huayuan's natal magic weapon.

It can be seen in the trailer that Li Huayuan used this mahjong magic weapon to block the attacks of many magic masters and then fought back, killing many monks. And this mahjong magic weapon is really powerful and powerful. Unfortunately, although this mahjong is powerful and powerful, many netizens don't buy it after watching it. They think that the official should stop it and don't make a work about cultivating immortals nondescript.


Time is running out for Nangong Wan

Finally, let’s talk about the heroine Nangong Wan. I feel that there is really not much time left for her. The plot between Li Huayuan and Hong Fu lasted for five episodes. I don’t know if the new episode will really end. However, the total number of episodes of this work is limited. The official has spent too much time and energy on the supporting characters before, while the protagonist Han Li's role has been significantly reduced, and Nangong Wan's role is even less. Up to now, more than half of this work has been broadcast. Well, once Han Li goes to Chaotic Star Sea, Nangong Wan won't have much role to play, so there won't be much time left for her.

Okay, that’s all for this issue. I hope you will like it. The picture is from the Internet and has been deleted. If you like this article, please like, comment and share it. Thank you for your support. We will continue to update exciting animation content in the future. If you have different opinions, please leave a message.