The so-called body insult is to impose one's own subjective aesthetic standards on others by making negative and insulting inappropriate remarks about their body through language. This kind of abnormal concept has nothing to do with age, social status, or gender. The slightest fl

The so-called body insult is to use language to make negative and insulting inappropriate remarks about one's body, and to impose one's own subjective beauty standards on others.

This kind of abnormal concept has nothing to do with age, social status, or gender. The slightest flaw will expose others to the public level, criticize, insult, ridicule, and make a big fuss. To put it bluntly, it's bullying.

It is reported that about 70% of women in our country are not confident enough about their facial features, face shape, and figure. The source comes from the opinions of others and their own low self-esteem during their growth.

"Second-level disability", "Funny Egg"... How many girls have been hurt by these body shamings?

Write to the end

This is obviously your body, don’t do it for the purpose of pleasing others, more Don't try to build yourself up because of some kind of garbage, is it necessary?

In the era of big data, what you receive is the content you want to see, love to see, and often see. The information flow is too closed and the network is overly beautified. You forget that you are an ordinary person, living in an ordinary society, surrounded by the same kind of people.

What do you think about body insults?