The emergence of the Internet has brought people closer to each other, and even people and animals... With the mobile phone in hand, I have the world, news, current affairs, entertainment and gossip, there is nothing I don't know, only I don't want to know.

The emergence of the Internet has brought people closer to each other, and even people and animals... With the mobile phone in hand, I have the world, news, current affairs, entertainment and gossip, there is nothing I don't know, only I don't want to know.

In fact, the network is equivalent to a small virtual society.

People from all over the country have different views and contradictory ideas. From analyzing one thing, thousands of strange opinions and comments can appear, and the cruelty in the comment area is far beyond your tolerance.

Of course, there is still such a group of people:

Yin and Yang weirdness - ah, no, no, no, there are no real people ~

Pastoral Feminism - Are men useful? I didn’t see it~

Keyboard Man——I##$@$##%$, you##¥%##! ~

Followers - I don't know, I think they are all like this~

Arrogant - Putting aside the facts~

They go off the beaten path, hide in the Internet environment, abandon their personality and self, and release their ugliness wantonly Human nature treats the Internet as a battlefield and turns dissatisfaction into extreme remarks.

Ordinary debates between men and women rise to the level of gender antagonism between men and women; simple family jokes accentuate family discord and loss of ethics; interestingly, men and women slightly deviate from the rules defined by the Internet, and dirty words flow out like sewer sludge. .

comics: Do your family members know that you are a "yin-yang keyboard person" online?

Write to the end

In a civilized society, you are not a primitive person, so don’t use no lower limit as the bottom line for challenging others.