["Forced Armor" Chapter 170 - The Thieves' Aggression]: Located in the [Karakoram Mountains - the central part], there is hidden the [Beast God General - Kurmyk's secret base]. After the betrayal, This is where the two of them were hiding.

["Forced Armor" Chapter 170 - The Thieves' Aggression]:

is located in the [Karakoram Mountains - the central part], hiding the [Beast God General - Kurmyk's secret base], betrayal The last two people were hiding here. Having lived a hidden life for a long time, [Gabir] seemed a little tired of it, but [Kulmek] had obviously heard enough of his complaints. He went straight to the topic and shared the latest information with him. First, after making a big fuss [Pillar of Heaven] escaped, and then wiped out all the [Insem III] and [ Super Beast Transformation Soldier Commander] who besieged her in Japan! With this fighting power, without the [Giant Breeding Equipment], 100 [Fukamachi Akira] would not be enough for her to fight.

Another piece of information shared is that the most dangerous one right now is the [Abyss - Apollon] where [Crystal Crystals] are collected. On the [Ark], not only were three ownerless [Crystals] taken away, but even the [Crystal] of [Caluleo] who was stopping him was also taken away... After hearing this, [Gabeel] should no longer complain about the hidden life, and soon the man we are most familiar with will officially come back...