As of November 2018, "Hunter" written by Yoshihiro Togashi has been suspended for three and a half years. This update has made fans from all over the world active. It is really a series for the lifetime.

On May 24, " Togashi Yoshihiro " opened the Twitter account and published his first tweet - in short, there are still 4 chapters, and a comic draft is attached. After that, he would update the progress of the original comic every day. Although he couldn't understand it, the discussion on each article was extremely hot.

As of November 2018, " Hunter " written by Yoshihiro Togashi has been suspended for three and a half years. This update has made fans from all over the world active. It is really a series for a lifetime. As a master of Japanese comics, Yoshihiro Togashi doesn't have too many famous jokes, but none of them seem to be good ones.

is most famous for the "playing mahjong" meme. It is said that Yoshihiro Togashi's "Hunter" stopped updating in a certain year. However, it was not long before it was revealed that he personally organized and participated in the mahjong competition. For a time, he was "rich" The story about Jian Yibo dragging Geng playing mahjong" was widely circulated in the world. So more and more people think that Yoshihaka Togashi loves mahjong more than he loves drawing comics.

However, recently, Yoshihiro Togashi disclosed his physical condition in a letter to everyone. Due to his back injury, he has been unable to sit and draw in recent years, and can only lie down and barely draw something. Even 2 weeks ago I couldn't wipe my butt anymore and I had to take a shower again after every time I went to the toilet. You can only pick up things on the ground in the way shown in the picture. It takes 3 to 5 times the time for ordinary people to do the same thing. And remind everyone to protect their waists.

"He is really, I cried to death..."

"It turns out that Tuo Geng was not playing mahjong, but a waist injury..."

"I hope there will be less bad mahjong."

"A waist injury is really painful. , I hurt my waist a few weeks ago and I can't do anything at all."

"I also had back pain after giving birth, and I haven't been able to get better, which affects my quality of life."

Because Yoshihiro Togashi's mahjong memes are so famous, many people don't know the truth. The crowd did take this joke to be true, and believed that although Yoshihiro Togashi was talented, he was a cartoonist who did not do his job properly. But in fact, drawing comics is a very hard mental and physical work. As early as the period of " Yu Yu Hakusho ", Yoshihiro Togashi's waist injury has been at the root of the disease. In recent years, as he grows older, his waist injury has become more serious. As for being unable to sit down and draw normally.

In our daily life, due to problems with sitting posture, fatigue, or some women may have more or less back pain after giving birth. If not paid attention to at the beginning, the root cause of the disease will fall into place over time, and it will seriously affect the living habits. It will become very difficult to seek treatment and improvement, so don’t underestimate back pain. Early diagnosis and treatment are the way out. Director Sun, Director of the Gynecology Department of Xuzhou Xingchen Women's and Children's Hospital, a subsidiary of Fosun Group , talked about the back pain problems that some women experience after giving birth:

"In fact, about 50 to 70% of women will have low back pain after childbirth, mainly in the waist and Some people have pain around the sacroiliac joints to the point of being unable to get out of bed, which seriously affects their normal life. If these symptoms occur, it is recommended to treat them as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy to suffer sequelae. The main treatment needs to be based on the cause. It is recommended to have low back pain . Mom, take a good rest. This is an important way to relieve back pain. If the pain is severe, it depends on the specific situation. "