Su Mei's tea shop is located at the east end of Baihua Market. The store is not very big, but the name of the shop is quite ambiguous, "Qianjiao Baimei". With the help of Director Lu, Boss Han's affairs went smoothly and he won a project worth tens of millions of yuan.

Text/Rongyuan Jushi

[ headline number exclusive release]

Su Mei’s tea shop is located at the east end of Baihua Market. The store is not very big, but the name of the store is quite ambiguous, called "Qianjiao Baimei".

With the help of Director Lu, Boss Han's affairs went smoothly and he won a project worth tens of millions of yuan.

He wanted to return the invitation and tighten the relationship, and the place was Su Mei's tea shop. I said, I don’t have time, I’ll talk about it when I have a chance.

Boss Han said, I have already agreed with Director Lu, so I will ask you two. Don’t go anywhere after you get off work. I will ask Su Mei to pick you up.

I got off work and just walked out of the office building. Su Mei came up to me and said:

"Our great talent, please get in the car and visit my tea shop. Does it suit your taste?"

Su Mei opened it Daben, a Daben that I can’t even afford with my salary in this life. The moment I got in the car, I suddenly felt a sense of inferiority.

However, Su Mei's teasing words made you feel close to her again. Maybe this is the face of women in the mall.

When I first saw Qianjiao Baimei Tea Shop, I felt that I was completely unfamiliar with Su Mei’s identity and style, but I didn’t dare to confirm it.

Although the tea shop is small, the teas inside are all high-end, including aged Pu'er, fragrant Biluochun and Tieguanyin .

Su Mei set up a hot pot restaurant in the back. The hot pot restaurant is not big, with only three or four people at the time, but six people at most.

That night, Director Lu was so drunk that he vomited all over because he was happy that Boss Han was drunk, so he called the driver to pick him up.

I usually don’t drink, and I insisted not to drink. They couldn’t do anything about it, so they finally gave me the task of sending Su Mei home.

Su Mei was half drunk and half awake, and her speech was incoherent. It was my first time driving a Grand Ben, and everything felt new.

Su Mei taught me for a long time before I got to the Tao. Su Mei was very patient at this time. She felt that she was entrusted to a safe person.

In the car, I raised my doubts:

"Mr. Su, can the tea business really be that profitable? It is really that profitable. Can you give me some advice?"

Su Mei felt very sick in her stomach and felt like vomiting. After hearing what I said, he swallowed it again and said bitterly:

"You men don't have many good things. Men are perverts and hungry wolves. They are very disgusting. They forget all about profit and are motivated by sex."

After hearing what she said, I wanted to say a few words of comfort. Unexpectedly, she burst into tears and said to herself:

"How much money can you make by opening a tea shop? It's not all men's ideas. Look at the two-faced man named Han, I will curse him for the rest of my life."

While she was still drunk, Su Mei told me that after graduating from technical secondary school, she went to work in Boss Han’s company. Boss Han saw that she had some knowledge and was eloquent, so he made her his secretary.

After Su Mei became Boss Han's secretary, Boss Han did not let her go. Su Mei didn't tell me exactly why she didn't let it go.

In order to make this relationship last long, Boss Han helped Su Mei open this tea shop. Su Mei relied on her experience in shopping malls and managed the tea shop quite well, which she was a little relieved about.

I was very worried about her lifestyle, so I advised her:

"Just run the tea shop well and avoid interacting with people like Boss Han. If you are attached to these people for a long time, something may happen sooner or later. You have to take care of yourself." Think about it!"

Su Mei was very dissatisfied with my persuasion and said indifferently:

"My youth has been taken away by him. Such a person will die early. He will not live long if he does many evil things. What can I do if I'm alive? Who can help me? "

I don't think persuasion will make a big difference. What really needs to change is herself. I think she needs to think about her future.

News came the next day that Boss Han was in a car accident and could not be saved.Su Mei called me, now I should be free.

Can Su Mei be free?

If you want to know what will happen next, please listen to what tomorrow will tell you.