It was about 5 years ago. At that time, I was reading the Japanese comic "Drop of God". What attracted me to it was the mature comic design and the theme of wine. This time I read Chinese comics. If it wasn’t recommended by a friend, I probably wouldn’t read it.

Trying to remember the last time you read a comic? It was about 5 years ago. At that time, I was reading the Japanese comic "神之水drop". What attracted me to it besides the mature comic design was the wine theme. This time I read Chinese comics. If it wasn’t recommended by a friend, I probably wouldn’t read it. But after picking up the first book and reading it in one sitting, I decided to get into it.

This is completely different from the Chinese comics I imagined. It turns out that Chinese comics have developed into this. The story begins with the grave of the protagonist Zhang Chulan ’s grandfather being dug up. An incident triggers the appearance of a series of characters. Then Zhang Chulan's peaceful life was broken, and he met many people one after another. He finally knew his identity - a foreigner.

From the perspective of character creation, it is still very distinct and impressive. Feng Baobao , a baby who switches different identities according to organizational tasks, but he is really like a "baby", very pure, and the kind of person who "is ruthless and doesn't talk much". But it doesn't mean that she is really cruel (her kindness is actually reflected in a paragraph of comforting Zhang Chulan), but that she is capable, very strong! From the beginning, I used my strength to keep Zhang Chulan docile, but I was also puzzled as to why he had to be a slave. But overall, Baobao Feng looks super strong but also has its cuteness.

As for the protagonist Zhang Chulan, he is really a "silly person". In fact, his image is quite handsome, but he is indeed unreliable. He was tricked into traps one after another, all because of Baobao and the others. But I guess that even the protagonist needs room for growth in terms of setting. In the first book, he was just a newbie, not even a bronze player. He actually hasn't figured out the whole situation he's in yet, and of course I don't understand it either. But currently there are many "strangers", that is, people who are different from ordinary people living next to ordinary people, and these strangers are also divided into sects, both good and bad.

There is a page in the book that I felt deeply moved after reading it. It is the conversation between Zhang Chulan and her grandfather, which is on page 73 of the book. It talks about the truth that people are afraid of people who are different from themselves, just like people in the past were afraid of those few people who hold the truth. (For example, the person who once said that the earth was round was burned to death. The person he is talking about here is Giordano Bruno. In his era, people believed in the geocentric theory because he insisted on defending Copernicus’s sun. The center said that he was eventually burned to death in the Campo de' Fiori in Rome as a "heretic" by the Inquisition). People feared and rejected him because of the unknown and uncontrollable, so the situation of "foreign people" was not good.

I’m going too far. In fact, it’s simple to understand. It’s what people call “hiding clumsiness” - Lu Xun’s “Collected Letters to Tai Jinnong”: “The writing is extremely bad. Please don’t frame it, because you are hiding clumsiness for me.”

The story stopped when Zhang Chulan officially joined an organization like Nadutong, but in the blink of an eye he was "competed" again for his grandfather's mysterious power, his golden light, and what he was about to face... To be continued, look forward to continuing to read.

I am Cassie

A reader who loves a better life