The ninth episode of "The Extraterrestrial" is in progress. This is a story about aliens who come to the earth to find energy to save their home planet. According to the arrangement, this season has a total of ten episodes and is nearing the end. In the previous plot, we know tha

"The Visitor" has entered its ninth episode. This is a story about aliens coming to the earth to find energy to save their home planet. According to the arrangement, this season has a total of ten episodes and it is nearing the end.

In the previous plot, we know that the alien Faraday is hunted by CIA. The CIA wants to take fusion energy as its own, but Faraday faces the most powerful killer machine on earth and does not have much chance to resist. Abbey is captured by Clay.

On the side of Yuanyin Company, because of the loss of the fusion energy device, Yuanyin Company has reached its most dangerous moment. The brother and sister Yuanyin hoped to get rid of the control of the CIA by introducing capital from energy giants. However, it was obvious that as the prototype was destroyed, they also lost the capital for negotiation. Subsequently, the younger brother's shares were bought out and he was kicked out. joined the ranks of shareholders.

Here is a brief review of the selection of the company’s successor by the old boss of Yuanyin Company.

It turned out that the old shopkeeper had always believed that his daughter was indecisive and immature, and wanted to hand over the company to his son who only knew how to read books and newspapers and had nothing to do. In the end, his daughter accidentally pushed him off the cliff in anger.

For a story about saving the earth, Yuanyin Company is like a drop of water falling into the sea. I won’t tell more about their story here.

On Faraday's side, Clay tortured him to extract a confession, but unfortunately Faraday happened to be an alien. His skin was obtained through reorganization, so the torture on his body was obviously ineffective. But Clay immediately thought that Faraday had been seriously injured when he encountered an

This trick obviously worked. After many rounds of X-ray exposure, Faraday could no longer hold on. At this time, Watt, the imaginary character in his mind, appeared again and persuaded Faraday to make up some information to save his life.

Faraday told Clay that Newton planned to build a spaceship...

But soon, Faraday changed the topic and told Clay the information about his life experience that he had always wanted to know. It turned out that Clay had been a Russian terrorist. His son was later adopted by the CIA, at least that's what Clay always thought of his life experience.

But Faraday told Clay that his mother was just a little liar who was framed by the CIA. After creating the exchange bombing, the CIA placed the crime on Clay's mother and then took Clay away. , to Clay working for the CIA.

Clay was a little hard to accept when he heard this. At this moment, his female subordinate suddenly shot and killed Clay.

It turns out that the female subordinate has been working for the energy giant, and she was lurking next to Clay just to obtain CIA information.

Then the energy giant appeared and took Faraday and the heroine to a temple. They approached the monk and one of them stood slowly.

It turned out to be Newton!

Newton has always appeared as a victim. After he completed extraordinary technological inventions, his alien identity was discovered by the CIA. He was subsequently captured, dissected, studied, and finally hid in the mountains. No longer showing up, who would have thought that he was actually controlling most of the earth's energy behind his back and living peacefully!

And here comes the biggest problem. If Newton already had the most wealth, why didn't he complete the design of fusion energy by himself, but chose to summon Faraday to come to the earth?

We will have to wait until the next episode to find out the answer.