Many netizens believed her to be true and expressed sympathy and generous donations, hoping to comfort her. And "Porin" himself is a man who uses a voice changer to fake his experiences and upload videos, and he does not hesitate to make up lies in order to gain popularity.

This comic is adapted from real events.

virtual anchor "Porin" suddenly updated after disappearing for half a year, claiming that he had been trafficked. Many netizens believed her to be true and expressed sympathy and generous donations, hoping to comfort her. Unexpectedly, it turned out that all of this was a pre-designed scam! And "Porin" himself is a man who uses a voice changer to fake his experiences and upload videos, and he does not hesitate to make up lies in order to gain popularity. After investigation by the local police, they found that the abduction and trafficking experience was actually fictitious, and the person's account was eventually permanently banned.

The topic of women + trafficking has always attracted social attention, so it has been used as a traffic password, maliciously consuming the sympathy of the general public and selling it badly, which has brought serious adverse effects to society, and it has stepped on the blood and tears of those girls who were trafficked. Make profit!

As a human being in the world, if you cannot keep the bottom line of morality and conscience, what is the difference between you and those evil traffickers and buyers? You will eventually be punished by the law and suffer the consequences!

#I am an original hand-painted person#