Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Lu Fang On June 28, the sci-fi animated film "Out of the Earth" was announced to be released on July 16, becoming the only national comic blockbuster in the current summer season. The film has released a finalized poster and trailer, sh

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Lu Fang

html On June 28, the science fiction animated film " Out of the Earth " was announced to be released on July 16, becoming the only national comic blockbuster in the current summer season. The film has released a finalized poster and trailer, showing the "blocked" earth and inspiring the audience with "teenage breakthrough" as its core.

This film is a new masterpiece of Caitiaowu Pictures after the "Chinese Mythology Series" ( Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World and Jiang Ziya ). It took six years to prepare and produce and is highly anticipated.

"Out of the Earth" is adapted from the animated series "Star Travels" with a rating of 9.6 on Douban. The original work has become a landmark hot-blooded Chinese comic due to its high reputation. As the series' first big-screen production, the film has also received strong expectations from young audiences. The finalized poster released by

has a "blockbuster temperament". In the apocalypse, a boy and a giant mecha confront each other, and it is full of an explosive atmosphere. "Earth" is considered to be one of the most worth-watching Chinese comic blockbusters in the summer. As a masterpiece of domestic science fiction animation, the film boldly innovates and attempts to "kill" its way among many mythological themes. In order to complete the "adventure" of the science fiction theme, the film gathered thousands of top animators and polished it for six years.

In addition, "Out of the Earth" also challenges "two-dimensional (hand-drawn) animation blockbusters". Compared with three-dimensional animation produced by computer software, two-dimensional animation faces the dilemma of "no one can do it and there is no money to do it" due to its "low production capacity and high difficulty". For a 100-minute big-screen feature film like "Out of the Earth", it is an even more "difficult" adventure.

For example, only 2 seconds of the disaster scene appear in the trailer. The number of original paintings is as high as 600, which is 10 times the workload of ordinary lenses. The sincerity of the film that has been polished for six years is evident. It can also be seen from the

trailer that the film focuses on "breaking the blockade" and conveys the passionate attitude of "young people, regardless of the outcome, just rush out". As soon as the news of this scheduled release was announced, netizens left messages saying, "The Chinese comic is here, and summer vacation is really here."

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