It has been 20 years since the animated masterpiece "Spirited Away" was released. Last year it was finally announced that it would be adapted into a live-action stage play, which had its world premiere at the Imperial Theater in Tokyo in February and March this year. At first, ma

The animated masterpiece "Spirited Away" has been in theaters for 20 years. Last year it was finally announced that it would be adapted into a live-action stage play, and had its world premiere at the Tokyo Imperial Theater in February and March this year.

At first, many people were worried about how the fantasy and treacherous world of gods in the movie could be presented on a real stage without relying on computer special effects.

As a result, not only did it not overturn after the show started, it also won high praise from the Japanese audience and media! The degree of restoration is super high, as if the anime world has been brought into reality. Some people even call it "the ceiling of comics adaptation" .

The creative team and actors lived up to everyone's expectations, gave the movie the utmost respect, and carefully constructed the world of "Spirited Away" on the stage.

Many fans who have not seen it shouted: "I want to see the stage play of Spirited Away in my lifetime!"

This stage play has two groups of actors, who performed in different performances. Among them, the heroine "Chihiro" is played by two actresses, Hashimoto Kanna and Kame Shiraishi Moe .

This play is directed by John Caird, the British stage master who once directed "Les Misérables". The actors who play other roles are also very capable, and the cast lineup is very luxurious.

Recently, Japanese media and officials released some photos and video clips of the "Spirited Away" stage play, so that fans who cannot go to the scene can also enjoy it.

Look at these scenes and characters. Do they look particularly familiar?

Japanese media also released some performance clips, you can feel the atmosphere of the scene:

, duration 2: 18

Through the stills and videos, you can see that Fu Huadao is extremely attentive, the stage design is ingenious, and the original film For comparison, it almost perfectly restored the movie details inside.

For example, in the movie, Yubaba’s face gets bigger when she is angry. This is represented by huge props on the stage, and the visual effect is also very spectacular.

It can be said that the creative team accurately captured the core of each scene in the movie "Spirited Away" and used dramatic techniques to naturally display it on the stage.

Some of the characters that cannot be performed by real actors, such as gods and monsters, will be replaced by puppets. It is said that more than 50 puppets appeared on the entire stage, such as frogs, white dragons, and little coal ash, all of which need to be performed with prop puppets. .

Moreover, there are many "tool people" on the stage to help, because computer technology cannot be used on site and can only rely on human power. However, these "tool people" are completely integrated into the scene and are not obtrusive.

Like the long arms of Boiler Grandpa , they need many people to operate them; Little Sooty and the enlarged faceless man also rely on human power to move on the stage.

In the scene where Qianxun and Bailong were flying in the air, Wia technology was not used. Instead, the simplest human support was used, with about 23 actors supporting the protagonists below.

This stage play brings together all professionals, uses the power of "people" to restore the magical world .

Although it cannot be compared with the restoration of movie special effects, this kind of stage allows the audience to get close to the world and have a more immersive feeling. All the fantasy stories are happening right before their eyes. This is the magic of stage drama.

There is also an orchestra playing Hisaishi Joe 's music live. Many famous songs from movies can also be heard live on the stage, quickly bringing the audience into the world of "Spirited Away".

In addition, the stage play also adds a scene of everyone singing and dancing together. This is a plot that is not originally found in animated movies, but it can mobilize the atmosphere of the scene and show the vitality and charm of the stage play.

In addition, the performance of the actors is also very exciting. Even though it is the first time for Hashimoto Kanna to appear in a stage play, she has carefully considered the role of Chihiro, such as holding the hem of her shirt tightly, raising her hands while running, and stomping her feet slightly. They tried their best to restore Chihiro in the movie.

Shiraishi Moe, as an actor with experience in stage plays, has shown solid and natural acting skills, and her face shape is very similar to Chihiro in the movie, so she is very suitable for this role.

Some viewers even said that they felt she was completely Chihiro herself, and overall she received unanimous praise.

html On March 29, this stage play ushered in its last performance in Tokyo and held its curtain call.

The two protagonists Moine Kamishiraishi and Kanna Hashimoto also appeared on the stage and hugged each other. They seemed to be very close~

Next, the play will continue to tour throughout Japan, in Osaka, May in Fukuoka, and in June Sapporo , Nagoya in June and July. If there is a chance, there may even be a world performance in the future. I really hope to come to China!

After all, the number of audiences that can be accommodated at the stage play is limited, and only a few lucky people can get tickets to watch it once. It is said that tickets for the play have been sold to 4,000 yuan in Japan!

Therefore, most fans cannot feel the charm of this stage play and can only enjoy watching the public clips and photos.

But there is good news recently! The "Spirited Away" stage play has officially announced that it will be performed live on the online platform on July 3rd and 4th! Due to the epidemic and distance reasons, fans who cannot go to the scene can wait patiently~

Toshio Suzuki, the producer of Studio Ghibli , said after watching the stage play: "Without being polite, it is really great. Interesting. All in all, John’s director and actors performed wonderfully, and I’m very happy to feel the respect for the original work.”

In addition, many Japanese stars have recently rushed to watch the stage play of "Spirited Away". , such as Sato Takeru , Tamamori Yuta , Takahata Mitsuki , etc.

Even the author of One Piece Oda Eiichiro gave a high evaluation after watching it: "I went to see the stage play of "Spirited Away"! It's better to say that I went to the oil house in person! The restoration level is super high! "

Almost all the viewers who have watched it have given positive reviews, which makes people look forward to it even more. What a wonderful performance it is, just wait and see it will be announced online in July