In the hot summer, what is the best way to relieve the heat? Of course, you have to buy an ice-cold ice cream, especially the ice cream known as the "Ice Cream Assassin". These ice creams not only cool your body, but also cool your wallet and your young mind, but that's nothing.

In the hot summer, what is the best way to relieve the heat? Of course, you have to buy an ice-cold ice cream, especially the ice cream known as the "Ice Cream Assassin". These ice creams not only cool your body, but also cool your wallet and your young mind, but that's nothing. , in Ultraman Leo, a kind-hearted monster actually got killed because he ate a big piece of ice cream!

After eight episodes of gloomy plot, the ninth episode suddenly became gentle. It opened with Fengyuan Baizi playing with the children in the amusement park, trampolines, carousels, and monster exhibitions. Of course, they also bought a big piece each. Ice cream, so unhappy. In this episode, for the first time, we saw monsters from Tyro from the monster exhibition, such as the Drunkard Monster, Jetton , and even Tyrant appeared. It turned out that the Leo crew was not like before. The monster leather case was made out of stubbornness and refused to use the previous leather case. Everyone had a good time, but there was a pair of eyes in the monster group that stared at the big-headed ice cream in Xiao Tou's hand.

Of course, Xiao Tou also quickly discovered this gluttonous guy, because in the pile of monsters, Xiao Tou did not realize that he was a real monster, and he also handed the ice cream to the monster Giro in a friendly manner. Giro He had never eaten such delicious food. In order to repay the boy, Giro wanted to be friends with the boy and take him to the illusory world. However, Feng Yuan, who has clairvoyant eyes, immediately saw the true identity of the monster. He thought the monster was going to kidnap Xiao Tou, so Feng Yuan took action immediately and even drove a jeep into the two of them.

Before he could figure out the details of the monster, Fengyuan transformed without permission. The monster's tentacles could spray corrosive foam. Leo, who fought against Giro for the first time, suffered a lot. Not only did he fail to save the boy, but he was also seriously injured. The captain once again He reprimanded Feng Yuan, saying that Feng Yuan's behavior would only anger the monster, and if the monster brought the boy back to the universe, the consequences would be disastrous. In order to rescue the boy as soon as possible, Feng Yuan took advantage of the trust between him and the boy. The boy invited Feng Yuan to play together, but Feng Yuan wanted to take the opportunity to approach the monster and subdue him. The monster was attacked again by Team Mike, but they did not notice and The boy is happy when the monsters are together.

In order to subdue the monsters next time, Fengyuan conducted special training based on the sprayed foam. The special training showed initial results. The monsters attacked by Mike Team became bigger again, but in the boy's eyes, the monsters were friends. The boy shouted loudly to let Mike Team Stop, but just like the boy said, in the eyes of the captain, all monsters are enemies, and so does Team Mike. Leo didn't understand the little boy's thoughts and was actively fighting the monsters, but the background music at that time made people laugh, and coupled with the bubbles flying in the sky, it felt like they were playing together. Leo had had enough, and used He cut off the monster's tentacles with both hands, and the monster was buried in the foam and died.

The boy who saw this scene collapsed. He had experienced all kinds of misfortunes. This monster seemed to understand his friend best. He questioned the captain and the adults around him. Giro never hurt himself from beginning to end. It was all Mike. The team takes the initiative to attack. Are all monsters enemies? Everyone was touched by the boy's words. The captain asked Leo to resurrect the monster on the condition that the monster must leave. This was also the first time that Leo actively used the resurrection skill.

As the boy said, all monsters are enemies, but can we only fight back after the monster attacks us?