After the protagonist Ye Luoli changed her black hair, the ice princess’s hair color is confusing, and the water prince is super handsome.


The characters in Ye Luoli's series of works are becoming more and more diverse, and each character has its own unique personality. And the recent Ye Luoli extravaganza made a bold innovation on the basis of the original feature film. The extra-fan works are directed towards adults, while the content of the feature film is still aimed at children.

However, in the extra works, we see Ye Luolizhong’s character who has not changed his image, and a brand new image is added in the extra, such as Yan Jue, Water Prince, ice Princess and so on, has mentioned a new black hair image. Let's take a look at the appearance of the protagonist Ye Luoli after changing her black hair. The ice princess's hair color is confusing, and the water prince is super handsome.

The black-haired image of the ice princess is very lovely

the ice princess is a new ordinary human image in Yeluoli’s extra chapter, which appears as a human being. The world is an excellent figure skater, and she has gained countless fans by virtue of her strength. In Ye Luoli’s fairyland, the ice princess is a fairy with long silver hair and a crown on her head. She is a princess in the fairyland, but in the extravaganza, ice princess’s long silver hair also changes The ice princess, who has long black hair and suddenly changed her hair color, can you still be used to it? Ye Luoli officially said that the ice princess changed her black hair,But in our opinion, the black hair of does not seem too dark, not the black we imagined.

The ice princess’s hair color is sometimes black and blue It is navy blue, sometimes it looks black again, so it also confuses the fans, and many fans ask what hair color the ice princess really is. I feel that under different light backgrounds, 's hair color can be changed, from black to blue, but the official state says it is black. In fact, compare the two pictures above, the first one is blue and the second one. It's close to black.

Yan Jue’s black hair image is very beautiful

Yan Jue is the master of ceremonies in the Lingxi Pavilion and he promised very well to the prince of Span Strong1 and Span2. I will protect the ice princess's , so after Yan Jue discovered that the ice princess had fallen into the dreamland of the dream princess, he also went to the human world non-stop to wake up the ice princess.

Yan Jue is a fox fairy,So when he comes to the human world, he must first hide his fox ears and rectify his own image, otherwise it will easily attract human onlookers. Therefore, Yan Jue went to the human world with a more human image. His purple-black hair turned directly into black. His hair was tied up. The black-haired Yan Jue looked very delicate and very beautiful. Has the ancient and personable talented temperament.

The image of the water prince with black hair is super handsome

The water prince is the fairy with the largest water attribute in the wonderland, because he is the most powerful fairy in the world. , So the water prince's ability can still reach its peak state. Even the crazy fairy Meng Yi was a little settled under the lessons of Prince Water.

The original image of the Water Prince was with long blue hair, snow-white skin, and a blue suit that made him very gentle. The look of Prince Water has not changed much from season 1 to season 8, but in the extravaganza, you can see a different Prince Water. His long blue hair has also changed to short black hair. suddenly The water prince with short hair is also very handsome.

Feng Yinsha 's black hair looks very sunnyHe was born with a lack of melanin, so his skin was scary, and even his hair was white. So he was often bullied at school. Because of his weakness, he could only tolerate those who bullied him, but with After Hei Xiangling, Feng Yinsha also possessed magic, and he also began to become stronger. But there was still a dark belly inside.

Feng Yinsha looks weak with white hair, but after he turns into black hair, the whole person has become more sunny and domineering. It seems that hair color affects a person's aura.

〖Written at the end〗

The above is the image of Ye Luoli’s black hair who has switched from other hair colors to black ? Different hair colors give people different impressions. Okay, this is the end of the topic of this issue, see you next time.
