What is the stalk of the pattern is small? The source of the stalk is introduced

What does

format smaller mean? This is a stalk that has been on fire recently. What does this mean? The pattern is small, where does the stalk come from? Hope it can help you, let's take a look.

The pattern is small, the source of the stem is introduced

First, the meaning of the stem The

pattern refers to the space that people pay attention to, the attitude and mind of looking at things, or the vision. A small pattern means that people's horizons are too small and their view of things is not comprehensive enough. Network buzzwords.

Second, the source of the stalk

"-Shang-shang-" posted a message at station B on March 21, 2020, saying that his video about his views on the Incineration Bureau did not pass on Bilibili, and the customer service said that it is not suitable to submit such things The customer service is right

However, the owner of the up persisted and got in touch with the Communist Youth League, so the video passed. The title of

is "Ministry of Culture: Stop spreading rumors, it's too difficult for me" (deleted)

This sentence is from this video. In the video, the up master quoted some content to clarify the so-called illegally banned anime. It's normal here. Then, I think that minors can't understand the ideological connotation of many animations, and they will only be disturbed by the negative content inside, which is not conducive to the formation of the three views. Then I made certain arguments.

then mentioned "why don't you implement a grading system?" His point of view: small, the pattern is small.

Part 2: Sacrificing the freedom of adults for the healthy growth of minors? Its point of view: small, the pattern is small.

and its 3: That is to say, it is right to deceive people without breaking the law. It is wrong for me to defend as . Those bad movies are not blocked, so it is no problem. Well, that means that what is white is actually black, and what is black is actually white, right? Its point of view: small, the pattern is small.