Ye Luoli: The animation plot catches up with the comics, the progress overlaps, fans: no need to pay for both

2020/09/1017:08:03 erciyuan 1301
The story of

"Elf Dream Ye Luoli" is still going on. Before the animation is broadcast, the official release of the classic comics and the eighth season comics will be released at the same time before the animation is broadcast. Not only to satisfy fans who want to watch new stories, but also to recall classics is really well-intentioned. The adventure of Ye Luoli warrior continues, and the appearance of the new fairy also makes the plot "icing on the cake". Since

Ye Luoli: The animation plot catches up with the comics, the progress overlaps, fans: no need to pay for both - DayDayNews

is a comic before animation, it will naturally cause inconsistent progress. Fans will see repeated plots. In terms of two different channels, overlapping reading is not uncommon. However, since the eighth season of the comics is a rush-produced work, there are slight flaws in the quality and plot, which can be regarded as a streamlined version of the animated version. With the launch of the animation, fans also turned their attention to the animation with sound and smooth plot. The plots of

coincide with each other, with animation dominating

Ye Luoli: The animation plot catches up with the comics, the progress overlaps, fans: no need to pay for both - DayDayNews

▼ "Comic part"

There are differences between the comic part and the animation. The six fairies only disappeared after seeing their book of destiny. The animated version disappears first and then finds the secret. Perhaps it was to allow Luo Li to return to both animation and comics to design such a plot. After the modification, it became an animated version with fast progress. From this point of view, the official focus is still on the animation part. The updated content of the

comic story is the extraction of the animated story last week. Although the update time is the same day, according to the current progress, the two are complementary. In other words, the current plot is synchronized, so everyone only needs to choose a viewing method.

Ye Luoli: The animation plot catches up with the comics, the progress overlaps, fans: no need to pay for both - DayDayNews

▼ "Animation Part"

If you really want to study in detail, the plot of animation is actually not as fast as comics. It is precisely because Luo Li disappeared earlier that it will make people think that the progress is much faster than the comics. Actually? The progress of the two platforms is the same, which can be regarded as making up for each other. The reason why the plot of

animation is so attractive is mainly because the plot makes up for the shortcomings of comics, coupled with the influence of music and dynamic pictures, many people choose to abandon comics and come to the embrace of animation. After all, both are charged. It is better to choose the one you like.

Ye Luoli: The animation plot catches up with the comics, the progress overlaps, fans: no need to pay for both - DayDayNews

Is the charge for animation and comics reasonable?

Although Ye Luoli’s fans are considered to be children, there is no problem with the design of charging fees on all official platforms. If you want to maintain the continuous operation of your own industrial chain, you need a lot of funds. If we just pay for a long time without gain, how can we maintain the operation of the enterprise and create better content and surroundings for us.

Ye Luoli: The animation plot catches up with the comics, the progress overlaps, fans: no need to pay for both - DayDayNews

What's more, Ye Luoli is not a special case, other animations have this mode. Although it is not friendly to the fans, the charge is normal. Ye Luoli’s animation has been free for so many years, and I believe that many fans can understand it when it is about to end. Moreover, I believe that there will be many enthusiastic netizens who will release plot analysis, and the small clips will let the rest of the fans feast their eyes.

Ye Luoli: The animation plot catches up with the comics, the progress overlaps, fans: no need to pay for both - DayDayNews

So far, the story of Elf Dream Ye Luoli has come to an end, but according to this progress, it will take at least two seasons to win the battle with Mandola. Do you understand Ye Luoli's charging model? The progress of animation and comics is the same, it is really much easier to catch up with a platform.

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