It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of

2024/07/0207:18:33 erciyuan 1737

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun of the Alchemy Formation. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained the number of gold-eating insects silver larvae. Hundreds.

Since Han Li is still wanted by the Sixth Order, the southwest waters where Kuixing Island is located cannot be accommodated.

After Han Li purchased the complete map of the Chaotic Star Sea, he decided to go to Tianxing City, the main city where the Star Palace, the largest force in the Chaotic Star Sea, is located.

Because Tianxing City is an extremely free city, no matter who they are, as long as they do not fight in the city and pay the spirit stones for residence on time, even if they are evil cultivators wanted by Xing Palace themselves, the people of Xing Palace will not interfere. This meant that Han Li could settle down and concentrate on his cultivation.

Tianxing City is not only a super big city, rich in various materials and cultivation resources, but also has a teleportation array that can lead to the outer star sea.

The outer star sea is a world of monsters in the sea, which is in line with Han Li's next plan to kill monsters and obtain pills.

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of  - DayDayNews

Unlike in Tiannan, the main ingredient of the elixir recipe in Luan Xinghai is the demonic beast inner elixir. Therefore, Han Li's advancement route, which relied on taking medicine, would require a large amount of demonic beast inner elixir.

In this way, Tianxing City is the best place for Han Li at the moment.

A few months later, Han Li officially arrived in Tianxing City and rented a cave on the 39th floor of the Holy Mountain in Tianxing City for a price of 2,700 spirit stones. The period of use was one hundred years.

Although the rental fee is quite expensive, the cave is full of spiritual energy, which is far from comparable to ordinary spiritual energy.

Moreover, it has all the necessary functions. He no longer has to use his sword to chop down homemade tables, chairs and benches in the barren mountains. Han Li is very satisfied with this.

Now that he has officially settled in Tianxing City and the housing problem has been solved, Han Li should consider how to advance in cultivation.

The first thing to do is to prepare for going to sea. The outer star sea is much more dangerous than the inner star sea, so Han Li naturally needs to be well prepared.

Over the next two years or so, Han Li frantically produced more than 200 second-level puppets, as well as various elementary and high-level talismans.

As for the intermediate talisman, Han Li could not refine it at this time, because it requires a monk in the alchemy stage who has mastered the intermediate spell.

At the same time, under the stimulation of the powerful medicinal power of Ji Ling Pill, the two blood jade spiders were upgraded again and entered the first-level top-level monsters. It corresponds to the state where human monks have completed their Qi refining period and are about to build their foundation.

During this period, Han Li also tried to use Feeding Pills to feed the gold-eating insects, but it had no effect, so he left the matter alone.

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of  - DayDayNews

After preparing the external means such as talismans and puppets, Han Li began to purchase a large amount of information related to monsters and islands in the outer star sea.

Han Li needed to understand the habits and characteristics of various monsters in advance. As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be handy. Otherwise, you might accidentally end up in the belly of a certain monster.

In addition, Han Li also spent thousands of spirit stones to purchase two large-capacity storage bags in preparation for long-term operations in the outer star sea.

After returning to the cave, Han Li began to study the information carefully, and finally Han Li discovered a shocking plug-in that could be used.

That was the neon grass specially customized for Han Li's mysterious vial. This discovery made Han Li extremely happy.

Nishang grass is also called demon-luring grass. The brilliance it emits will always be consistent with the environment in which it grows, and will change with the change of the color of the environment. That is, it may emit red light, or it may emit blue light, and other colors.

As soon as the neon grass appears, it will have thirteen cylindrical curled leaves, which are all white and exude a faint glow, making it look extremely gorgeous and dazzling. It looks like something from an immortal family.

However, the medicinal value of Nishang grass is not high for monks. Apart from its good-looking appearance, it is just a medicine for refining some low-level elixirs.

So I was not optimistic about Nishangcao at first, until one day, I don’t know which monk accidentally discovered a shocking secret.

It is this extremely gorgeous herb. Every hundred years, one of the thirteen leaves will gradually unfold. The unfolding process will last for six to seven days, and at the same time it will emit a strange smell.

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of  - DayDayNews

This kind of smell is also of no use to immortal cultivators, but to most monsters in the sea, it is full of incomparable temptation.

As long as you smell this smell, the monsters within a certain range will look for it and immediately rush to devour it.

Moreover, the older the neon grass is, the wider its spreading leaves can affect the area, and the temptation to high-level monsters will also increase.

Therefore, Nishang grass is called demon-luring grass and it is worthy of its name.

It was this discovery that gave many monks the idea of ​​luring monsters to obtain elixirs. This caused a lot of commotion in the Immortal World of Luan Xinghai.

You must know that the most troublesome thing about high-priced monks who go to the Chaos Star Sea to hunt monsters is that they often wander around the sea for several months, and they may not even find a single monster.

Although there are many alien sea monsters, the sea is vast and unfathomable. As long as the monsters do not surface and lurk under the sea, they are not easy to find.

In addition, most monsters have their own unique hiding methods. Even if you use your spiritual sense to search for them, they are easily ignored.

Similarly, if you blindly go far into the depths of the sea, the monks will also be prey in the eyes of many monsters. No one can tell who will kill whom in the end.

Since Nishangcao has this characteristic, then the idea of ​​waiting for the rabbit and luring the demon to get the elixir becomes possible.

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of  - DayDayNews

It's just a pity that this idea is only an ideal existence and cannot be truly implemented.

First of all, people cannot grasp the exact unfolding time of Nishangcao. It is said that it unfolds one leaf every hundred years, but a slight error of two or three years is normal.

This means that the monks who go to sea have to stick to it for several years, so they might as well go find the monsters themselves.

What makes the monks even more depressed is that once planted, these neon grasses have a strange habit of not being able to be uprooted within a hundred years, otherwise the neon grasses will lose the miraculous effect of spreading their leaves and emitting smell.

As a result, this kind of monster-luring grass has become useless. It is also said that it once caused a sensation, but later its reputation declined.

It wasn't until Han Li appeared that he realized that this grass was born for Han Li. With Han Li's mysterious little green bottle in hand, he could solve all problems in minutes. It would not be an exaggeration to call it tailor-made.

Therefore, Han Li, with full expectations, officially started his journey to the outer star sea after everything was ready.

Then Han Li and Quhun appeared in the "Starry Sky Palace" on the 50th floor of Tianxing City. This is the teleportation place that is completely controlled by the Star Palace and leads to the outer star sea.

There are many islands in the outer Star Sea, and finally Han Li chose to go to Ningcui Island. The teleportation array is charged on a pay-per-use basis. Seven hundred spirit stones are transmitted each time, and one to seven people can be teleported at a time.

In the end, Han Li and the other five people teleported together, and they only had to pay the two hundred spirit stones shared equally between himself and Qu Hun.

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of  - DayDayNews

The transmission from Tianxing City to the Outer Star Sea is also a long-distance transmission, so it is necessary to use a "transmission talisman" with a transmission protection function, similar to the Great Relocation Order.

Of course, the Great Movement Order is a legendary equipment. Except for Han Li, who only has one, there is no second one.

Therefore, the teleportation talisman used by Star Palace is still different from the Great Teleportation Order. It is a super simplified version that can only be used once and will be destroyed after use.

Although it can only be used once, this teleportation talisman can only be refined by the talisman makers of Star Palace. It is not sold outside at all, and it is also a rare item.

Therefore, the Great Movement Order in Han Li's hands is basically equivalent to god-level equipment, and it is also out of print.

The transmission went smoothly. After a flash of white light, Han Li and others arrived at a simple stone house. There was only one person in the house, a Star Palace monk in the middle stage of foundation building, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating in a corner of the stone house.

After seeing everyone teleporting over, he looked at them indifferently and then gently closed his eyes without paying any attention to Han Li and the other seven people.

Han Li looked at everything around him curiously and felt some unusual spiritual energy fluctuations. It seemed that the stone house was shrouded in a formation restriction.

The door of the stone house was half open, and through the gaps, faint voices could be heard from outside, and occasionally figures flashed.

At the same time, the other five people walked down the teleportation array on their own. One of them, an old man with a red face, suddenly turned around and invited Qu Hun and Han Li to form a team. However, it was obvious that Han Li transformed into Qu Hun. The soul refused.

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of  - DayDayNews

Then Han Li walked out of the stone house, and a scene that surprised Han Li appeared. The place outside the stone house is like a small street. There are not only grocery stores, magic weapon shops, and talisman shops nearby, but also several buying shops. Each shop has a lazy shopkeeper sitting there.

It's just that these shops are too simple. They are either built with rough stones or pieced together with pieces of wood. They are really simple and couldn't be simpler.

At the same time, it was sparsely populated, with almost no people in sight. Having seen the splendor of Tianxing City, Han Li was greatly surprised to suddenly see such a scene.

But if you think about it carefully, it is completely normal. The people who have the courage to come to the outer star sea are not the monks in the core formation stage, but at least the immortal cultivators in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment.

In addition to those scattered to other monster islands, there will certainly not be many in number. The monks who came to the island were extremely anxious to go out to sea to hunt monsters, so who would stay here without any problems.

After thinking about this, Han Li did not hesitate and bought a detailed sea chart from a grocery store for one hundred spirit stones. The price made Han Li almost vomit blood.

This is no different from asking for high prices and extorting money, but later I learned that the prices here were set by the four major business alliances.

This grocery store belongs to Fengle Merchant Alliance, one of the four major merchant alliances. As for other stores, they are all opened by powerful business alliances.

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of  - DayDayNews

After Han Li bought the map, he released the divine wind boat and planned to fly away with the Songhun Royal Weapon. Suddenly a green rainbow fell from the sky and landed diagonally opposite an acquisition bank.

After the brilliance subsided, a burly man in the core formation stage was revealed. This man called himself Hao Yuantian. He had just killed a green-scaled fish monster and brought the monster's body to the buying shop here in exchange for some spiritual stones.

The great man Hao Yuantian was still well-known on Ningcui Island. When he saw Han Li and Qu Hun, he enthusiastically invited them to form a team together, but Han Li politely refused.

's two refusals to form a team, as well as his desolate description of the alien sea, all reveal the message that the alien sea is extremely dangerous.

This is a paradise for hunting monsters. If you are lucky and have enough strength, you can easily make a fortune by killing monster materials.

But if you have bad luck, or lack of strength, then it is very likely that you will lose your money and your life, so traveling in a team seems to be a safer way.

However, in addition to the dangers of monsters and beasts, there are also many people with evil intentions. You must be careful not only of high-level monsters, but also of sneak attacks by scum and evil cultivators.

Han Li had already seen killing people and seizing treasures in the Scarlet Forbidden Land, let alone in a place like the Outer Star Sea.

Therefore, due to the combination of the formation puppets, the souls of the Dan Formation stage, and the need to keep his secrets secret, Han Li chose to go it alone without hesitation.

It is said that Han Li returned to Xiaohuan Island from Haiyuan Island, where he had been secluded for four years, with the Quhun after forming a pill. Not only did he take back the three sets of formation flags arranged in the cave, but he also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of  - DayDayNews

Next, Han Li will start a life of killing for five years in the outer star sea, and then enter a sixty-year retreat to practice, and officially enter the elixir formation stage.

Want to know how Han Li formed elixirs? Let’s listen to the breakdown next time.

For more exciting plot interpretations, please continue to pay attention to "Feitian Xinhong"'s original interpretation of "The Story of Mortal Cultivation of Immortality", the original author: Wang Yu. You and I are both mortals, and a single word from my fellow Taoist can wipe out all the vicissitudes of life!

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