Hello everyone, this is Feng Mo Emperor Cavalry. Recently I saw a mother in her thirties being ridiculed for "pretending to be young" because she cosplayed as a girl. In this case, it is completely unnecessary! Because everyone has the right to choose their own hobbies. As long a

2024/05/2719:57:33 erciyuan 1279

Hello everyone, this is Feng Mo Emperor Qi. Recently I saw a mother in her thirties being ridiculed for "pretending to be young" because she cosplayed as a girl.

In this case, it is completely unnecessary! Because everyone has the right to choose their own hobbies. As long as their hobbies do not affect others, they should receive the most basic respect! Abroad, there are many grandpas and grandmas in their 70s and 80s who cosplay. Don’t they deserve this hobby?

Who stipulates that cosplay is only for young people?

Hello everyone, this is Feng Mo Emperor Cavalry. Recently I saw a mother in her thirties being ridiculed for

I am too old to have hobbies?

In fact, the essence of the conflict in this incident lies in the age difference and the identity of the mother. First of all, there is the age difference. Those who ridicule Mom just think that she is too good at "pretending to be young" even though she is in her thirties and still cosplays with a little girl. So, the corresponding ridicule came.

Another aspect is the identity of the mother. This mother's coser son has already gone to kindergarten, so the mockers are also hinting to the mother not to "bring up bad" children. It is true that over the years, the two-dimensional topic, which originally belonged to the animation industry, once became a social topic. Starting from the various events at Comic Exhibition, this topic has had a considerable impact.

Hello everyone, this is Feng Mo Emperor Cavalry. Recently I saw a mother in her thirties being ridiculed for

So many people who are not in the two-dimensional circle feel that people in the circle have certain problems. Of course, this understanding is relatively one-sided. People who are not in the two-dimensional circle may not have problems, and people who are in the two-dimensional circle may not all have problems.

But it is precisely because of these problems that mothers are ridiculed. In response to these ridicules, Bao's mother once made a domineering response to those who ridiculed her. Such behavior is undoubtedly very relieving. However, the topic of not having hobbies as you get older is still very controversial.

Hello everyone, this is Feng Mo Emperor Cavalry. Recently I saw a mother in her thirties being ridiculed for

There are still many people who think that as people get older, they should be more mature and stop getting involved with those two-dimensional things. This will not only make you immature, but also lead to bad children.

Classic case, Xiaorou’s family

So, a classic case came to slap you in the face. As we mentioned above, the mother who was ridiculed is only in her thirties, which is still very young. The cosplay girl does not have any sense of violation, but gives people the feeling of being a girl.

There is no need to use domineering words to reply to the taunters. Just talking about Xiaorou's family situation is enough. Xiaorou is a senior cosplayer and a professional cosplayer who makes her living in this industry.

Hello everyone, this is Feng Mo Emperor Cavalry. Recently I saw a mother in her thirties being ridiculed for

Her husband Xiaoxiaobai is a cosplayer like Xiaorou. After the two got married, they had a child. The family of three often collaborated on some famous cosplay scenes. The same goes for Xiaorou, she is a mother in her thirties, but her family is very harmonious, and in her career, she is a full-time cosplayer. How can we ridicule this?

Hello everyone, this is Feng Mo Emperor Cavalry. Recently I saw a mother in her thirties being ridiculed for

In another aspect, it is already very difficult for the mother. After giving birth to a child, not to mention getting older, there will also be corresponding competitive pressure for many jobs and other jobs. In addition, it is already difficult to take care of children and family. Shouldn't you still have some hobbies of your own?

really can’t understand why he would mock a cosplayer who is a mother in her thirties. Those who ridicule, haven't they ever thought about their situation after becoming a mother? Haven't you thought about your wife's situation after becoming a mother? It's easy to hurt others with words, but if it doesn't concern you, you'll know what it feels like when things happen to you.

Hello everyone, this is Feng Mo Emperor Cavalry. Recently I saw a mother in her thirties being ridiculed for

The older women start to get, the more they deserve care. This is the correct attitude to treat them, not to ridicule them. I believe the quality of those who ridicule Bao Ma’s cosplayers is not that high.

Those who love others will always be loved by others; those who respect others will always be respected by others. that is it.

Friends, what do you think about the fact that a cosplay girl in her thirties was ridiculed by others? |Welcome to give your opinions and answers below. The

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