The text is based on the original work of "Harry Potter". The pictures are from the play and Internet sources. Any infringement will be deleted.

2024/05/1923:34:32 erciyuan 1961

article, based on the original work of "Harry Potter", the pictures are from the play and Internet sources, any infringement will be deleted.

In the original work of "Harry Potter", Harry's most annoying classmate is Malfoy, and his most annoying professor is Snape , because Snape never gave Harry a good look and often To find fault with him is simply like Harry's childhood nightmare. Such a person, in order to save Harry and Hogwarts, he was accused of being a traitor, and finally died in the hands of Fuldemort.

The editor below will explain to you how Snape hated Harry while saving Harry at the same time.

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Points deducted

When Harry first met Snape, he felt that Snape didn't like him. However, after taking Potions class, Harry realized that he was wrong. Snape didn't dislike him, but hated him. .

Snape is the teacher of Potions class. Potions class is taught by Gryffindor and Slytherin students. When Snape teaches the new students, he first calls the names one by one, and then Harry is called. At the same time, he said with a sarcastic tone: " ha... yes, Harry Potter . The new guy in our school - a celebrity." "

Malfoy and his best friend Draco , Gao I covered my mouth with my hands and snickered.

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This made Harry Potter very embarrassed. Snape didn't care about that. He went on to introduce the beauty of the Potions class: "... use a big steamer . When the medicinal materials are simmered, the potion slowly boils, and white smoke rises... and the liquid flowing in the veins of the human body, that liquid with incomparable subtle power... can simply make your heart intoxicated and all your senses fascinated. ...I can teach you how to can fame, how to brew glory, and long as you don't be as stupid as the bunch of idiots I taught before. "

The classroom became even quieter. Snape walked over to Harry and asked: "Potter, what will be the consequences of adding the powder of daffodil bulbs to the juice of absinthium? "

This was the first class. Harry didn't know anything about it, so he could only answer truthfully. He looked at the other students who had the same blank expression. Only Hermione Granger raised her hand to show that she knew the answer.

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Snape didn't read Hermione and asked Harry several more questions. Because Harry couldn't answer them, he stabbed Harry hard. Harry asked him why he didn't ask Hermione, Snape charged Harry with "crime" for contradicting the teacher, and Gryffindor deducted one point.

After that, Snape asked the students to write down the key points of what he said, and asked the students to use the pot in pairs. While preparing a simple potion, Neville knocked over the pot and the juice flowed all over the floor. The students' shoes were burned with holes. They quickly stood on the bench. Neville didn't have time to escape and was burned by the splashed juice. He screamed, Snape was very angry, used magic to clean up the mess, and had Neville sent to the infirmary.

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Harry and Ron were next to Neville, and Snape asked: " Potter, Why didn't you tell him not to include the porcupine spikes? Do you think that because he made a mistake, you are wise? Gryffindor lost another point because of you? "

This is too unfair. Harry was about to argue when he was stopped by Ron. Snape was notoriously unreasonable, so Harry had no choice but to accept his fate.

was suspected.

was in class for the first time. Snape and Harry had a falling out. Harry didn't understand why Snape hated him so much. When he asked Hagrid, Hagrid said he was "nonsense".

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When the students were eating in the hall, someone was in a hurry. Report to Professor Dumbledore: The giant escaped. Dumbledore immediately asked the monitors of each class to lead the students back to their dormitories. On their way back to the dormitory, Harry and Ron saw Snape walking towards the fourth floor.

The two of them thought that Hermione was still in the women's bathroom, so they quickly informed Hermione. Sure enough, they met the troll in the women's bathroom, and they knocked the troll unconscious out of fear.

Afterwards, Harry's first impression was that it was Snee. Pu released the troll, and told Ron and Hermione his judgment, and they both agreed.

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In the next " Quidditch " game, Harry's Light Wheel2000 suddenly did not obey the command and swayed from side to side, as if to drop Harry. Hermione saw Snape staring at Harry through the telescope. Hermione was chanting a spell on her broom, and seeing that Harry was about to fall off, Hermione ran towards Professor Snape and bumped into Professor Strange on the way.

came to Snape, Hermione took out her wand and chanted a magic spell on his robe. Snape's robe immediately caught fire. When Snape noticed the flame, Harry's broom returned to normal.

Seeing this, let alone Harry, an 11-year-old child, an adult would think that Snape is a bad guy and target himself. Indeed, most of the students at Hogwarts disliked him.

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The three people passed through many levels. Ron and Hermione stayed at the level to pass the level. When Harry came to the last room, he saw Quirrell standing in the Mirror of Erised. He was extremely surprised. He thought the person who appeared Probably Snape.

Quirrell told Harry: During the Quidditch match, he almost knocked Harry off his broomstick. If Snape hadn't been chanting the breaking spell, he would have succeeded long ago.

Quirrell also said that Snape had long suspected that he had released the troll, so as soon as he heard the troll coming out, Snape ran to the fourth floor to look for him.

Harry also got an important message. Snape hated his father James Potter , so he also hated himself now.

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Later, Harry got the Sorcerer's Stone in the Mirror of Erised, and saw Voldemort behind Quirrell. Quirrell wanted to kill Harry, but when he touched Harry, he was so painful that he died. Harry discovered this After the fact, he pulled Quirrell hard, and Qiluo's body kept falling off, and finally turned into powder...

When Harry woke up and asked Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

In the original book, Dumbledore replied: "Snape and your father hate each other, just like you and Malfoy. And the reason is that your father did something that Snape will never forgive "

"What happened?"

"He saved Snape's life."

Dumbledore continued to explain: "This is the mentality of people. Professor Snape can't stand that he owes your father a favor... ...So I believe that he has been working hard to protect you, because in doing so, he will feel equal to your father..."

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causes and consequences

Snape hates Harry Potter so much, all because of his Father James Potter. James Potter and his friends (including Lupin, Sirius , Peter Pettigrew) always bullied Snape. At that time, they were too young and arrogant to take others seriously.

Because Lupine was bitten by the werewolf , he would turn into a werewolf every full moon night. His parents tried many methods but failed. On the full moon night, he would roar and attack humans indiscriminately. .

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Dumbledore still accepted Lupine as a student at Hogwarts, and planted a Whomping Willow for him. The house under the Whomping Willow was built for him. Every full moon night, he would would hide in that room.

James Potter and the others also discovered that their friend disappeared one day every month. After learning that he was a werewolf, they did not dislike him and kept trying to find ways to help him. It took them several years to learn how to transform into animals? Whenever the moon is full, they will use invisibility cloak to sneak out and turn into animals to accompany Lupine. With the nourishment of friendship, Luping is no longer so dangerous.

Snape paid special attention to them. One full-moon night, he followed Lupine to the Whomping Willow. At this time, Lupine had turned into a werewolf. The werewolf was extremely aggressive and powerful, and would kill humans whenever they approached. He tore into pieces.

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Just when Snape turned a corner, James Potter caught him in time, saving him from the danger of being torn apart by werewolves...

Snape owed James Potter a favor, and he He also loves Harry's mother Lily very much, so he has very complicated feelings for Harry.

Mission Impossible

When he was in " Sorcerer's Stone ", he saw Harry for the first time and wanted to make him look good. But when Harry was in danger, he rushed to save him immediately.

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In the second "Chamber of Secrets", the access to platform nine and three-quarters was blocked by Dobby the elf. Harry and Ron could only drive a flying car to Hogwarts. The flying car was blocked by at least seven Muggles (non-magic people) saw that they hit the Whomping Willow when they landed. Snape was so angry that he wanted to expel them, but he was not the head of Gryffindor and had no such power.

In the third part of "The Prisoner of Azkaban", Harry, Hermione and Ron followed Sirius to the tree hole under the "Whomping Willow". It was here that Harry realized that it was not Sirius who betrayed his parents. But Peter Pettigrew, Sirius stayed in Azkaban for twelve years to protect friendship.

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Halfway through, Snape also came. When he pointed his wand at Lupine and Sirius, Harry said that Snape was unprepared and used "Expelliarmus" on him. Snape was thrown heavily on the Wall, passed out.

When Lupine turned into a werewolf, Sirius turned into a big dog to stop him. After waking up, Snape immediately protected Harry, Ron and Hermione behind him.

In the fifth book "Half-Blood Prince Betrayal", Harry discovered the notebook of Half-Blood Prince . Harry, who did not like to read, was very fascinated by this notebook. It recorded many more practical methods than those in the book. Harry especially wanted to Meet this gifted half-blood prince.

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But it was also in this movie that Snape killed Dumbledore and "surrendered" Voldemort. It was only during the duel between Harry and Snape that he learned that the half-blood prince was Snape.

Of course, we all know that this was Dumbledore's request. Snape originally did not want to be a spy, but Dumbledore used Harry to make him willing to be an undercover agent. With his help and sacrifice, Harry and the others could defeat Voldemort. .

He once asked Dumbledore : whether raising Harry was like raising a pig to be slaughtered ?

After several years of getting along, Snape loved Harry more than he loved himself. Harry didn't know all this until he finally saw his memory.

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written at the end

More than ten years later, Harry Potter's second son was also going to Hogwarts. The son said: "Dad, what if I am sorted into Slytherin?"

Harry replied: Albus severus potter . (Dumbledore and Snape's last names), you have two Hogwarts headmasters in your name, one of them is Slytherin, and he is the bravest man I know. "

" If you are sorted into Slytherin, you will get a good young wizard there, but listen carefully, if this is so important to you, you can choose Gryffindor. Sorting Hat will consider your choice. "

It is said that Albus Severus Potter was sorted into Slytherin.

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