I subverted the world, just for you! ——Daiyu Begonia, have you seen it?

2021/10/1304:43:02 erciyuan 1412

Chinese fantasy animation film " big fish begonia", released in 2016, is directed by Liang Xuan, Zhang Chun, and screenplay by Liang Xuan. The film tells about all living humans, who are big fish in the sea. When they were born, they set off from this shore of the sea. Their lives are like crossing the ocean. Sometimes they meet and sometimes they separate. At the end of their lives, they arrive at the shore and go to their respective worlds. 4.5 billion years ago, there was only a vast ocean and all kinds of ancient fish in this world. In this space where the fish is parallel to the human world, there lives a group of rules and order. They work for the gods, control the laws of the survival of all things on this planet, and also control the souls of human beings. Their sky is connected with the sea of ​​the human world. They are neither gods nor humans, they are "other people". Maiden Chun, as the mission heir of the Sheng family, is in charge of the growth of begonia flower . He did not hesitate to violate the inheritance of the clan training, and went against the sky, secretly raising the soul of a young human in the underwater world, a small fish with a big thumb.

I subverted the world, just for you! ——Daiyu Begonia, have you seen it? - DayDayNews

My name is Tsubaki. I am 117 years old and I was born neither a man nor a god, but an "other person". My race is in charge of the laws of survival in the world, and the sky of my race is the bottom of the world. Kun, believe it or not, everyone is born as a fish? When our people reach the age of 16, they need to go through the Haitian Gate to the human world to experience a seven-day coming-of-age ceremony. It was 101 years ago. I performed my coming-of-age ceremony. When I came to the world, everything in the world was new to me. Of course, including your call-"You are here again!", At that moment, I looked back at you for the first time. Thinking about it now, was that mysterious thing called "destiny" changed the moment I boarded the ship to , or did I come to the world to look back and see you at first change? Who knows? At the end of adult ceremony , I was trapped, and you lost your life because you wanted to save me from being caught in the whirlpool. After returning to my world, I decided that I must save you, so I came to find the Lingpo,She said that the soul of human beings after death is in the Tongtian Pavilion, and I will find you in this vast soul. At that time, I didn’t know your name. I only recognized the look in your eyes and the scar on your head. I searched and searched, and finally after six hours of searching, I found you and brought you back from the Lingpo. My mother is in charge of Haitang. She hoped that I could take over her inheritance, so she named me "Chun". So, what name should you give you? Since your soul form is a fish, you should be named after the biggest fish, because in the future, you will be bigger than this fish tank and bigger than this room. Big, bigger than the entire yard! "There is a fish in Beiming, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many miles it is." This is what Qiu saw in an ancient book, then call you Kun.

I subverted the world, just for you! ——Daiyu Begonia, have you seen it? - DayDayNews

Qiu is my follower. His parents passed away since childhood. Only his grandma accompanied him when he grew up. He would call me to come back early when I went to the world for the adult ceremony . Even in a coma, he would listen to him confidantly, saying that he didn't want to see me in pain. Later, he told me that he had seen me angry, lost, and most embarrassing. Yes, in my heart, he treats me like my brother. And you, I am willing to use half of my life, I am willing to subvert a whole world, I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you, wait for you to grow into a big fish, send you back to the world, let you be reborn, in return for your life-saving grace. My grandfather was in charge of Baicao and sacrificed himself in order to heal the snake venom on Qiu's body. He felt that as long as my heart was kind, it didn't matter if I did something that violated the rules of the clan. Therefore, even if you are considered an ominous thing by the tribe, I will protect you well, even if I subvert a whole world of mine. Qiu sacrificed his life in order to send you and me to the world, and it was more than a hundred years later. His words before leaving still linger in my ears, still remembering him asking me if I believe in eternal love. At that time, I said confidently, yes, there must be. why? My grandma is in charge of the birds. After the death, the fairy turned into a phoenix to accompany grandpa, and after the death, grandpa also turned into a crabapple tree to guard the pure land. He told me before his death that my people would also face Death, and our death is also the gate of eternal life. Now that we think about it carefully, they have not gone away from us, they have just changed their posture and turned into eternal eternity.And the eternal love. So apart from eternal love, Kun, do you believe in miracles? Miracle, a word that seems vague and fateful, it seems to be a bit sloppy when I say it out of my mouth. In fact, in my opinion, miracles are for you and me, before subverting a whole world of mine, I am a fish, and you are the person who calls, when subverting my world, I am the caller, and you It was the fish that swam around, and now, after my world was overturned by me, we all met as human beings in the world. Perhaps the miracle is the subversion, yes, be brave, be brave. Kun, I subverted a whole world, just for you.

I subverted the world, just for you! ——Daiyu Begonia, have you seen it? - DayDayNews

Big fish. Begonia, although I have been waiting early, but it hasn't been as long as more than ten years. It was only two or three years ago. I occasionally saw its posters and some fragments. I was instantly fascinated. NS. The anime movie that I had previously expected for a similar style of painting is still the 2008 " Fengyun Jue ". The strong Chinese style, Chinese people are happy to celebrate, especially the bright red is the best representative, so I saw red clothes, red lanterns, red hands of Lingpo and red mahjong in the movie. There is also the most Chinese style than Hakka Tulou. Take a look at this Yongding Tulou: The narrative line of Big Fish. Begonia is not complicated. Chung turned into a fish in order to save himself. The Kun, even if it violates the rules of the family and subverts the world, he must send Kun back to the world. The emotional line is not complicated, Qiu likes Tsubaki, but Tsubaki likes Kun. The theme of performance is: eternal love, be brave, believe in miracles, and eventually meet in this world. Because of love, how can there be sorrow, so everything looks like happiness.

I subverted the world, just for you! ——Daiyu Begonia, have you seen it? - DayDayNews

Thank you all! ! ! !


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