LCK station commentary Rita is the focus, Guan Zeyuan keeps his eyes on, and the audience is unwilling to watch the game

Recently, LCK ushered in a strong duel between Gen.G and T1. As one of the focus battles of LCK, even many LPL audiences have also attracted attention and paid attention to this peak duel. But to the surprise of the audience, after opening the Huya live broadcast room before the game, the female commentator Rita on the field attracted the audience's attention.

Span1span Rita partnered with Guan Zeyuan to explain the game that day. As soon as the camera came to the commentary, Rita in a strapless outfit put on a cute look and changed his mature style. . Unexpectedly, the appearance of this two-dimensional look directly made the audience unwilling to watch the game, but stared at today's stunning commentary Rita.

Even the other commentator on the stage Guan Zeyuan turned his head and looked at his partner Rita, which is very real. However, it has to be said that Rita, one of the "four golden flowers of LPL", is indeed responsible for the appearance of the current e-sports circle, and it is natural to become the focus of the audience.

In fact, although Rita had a very good appearance before, it has become more popular with the audience after finding a style that suits her. The last time I explained the LPL, it is still fresh in my memory. This time LCK has once again played its advantages in appearance.

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