Carina Lau was kidnapped by 3 strange men in 1990, and her nude photos were leaked 12 years later and published in magazine

Wen│Bagua fairies

The 80s and 90s of the last century were the best times in Hong Kong and the darkest years in Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong at that time, the film and television industry was the most prosperous period. As long as you make movies, you can make money, and you have won many queens and kings.

But it is precisely because the money in this industry is coming too fast, so it also attracts many evil forces to penetrate.

Jackie Chan once said that when making a movie, someone would point you at you with money, and no one would dare not shoot.

​​Subsequently, this force intensified, and Wang Jie was poisoned and mute, Anita Mui was slapped, and even Carina Lau was kidnapped and taken nude photos.

Although Carina Lau has been active on the screen in recent years, this matter has always been a pain point in her heart.

1. The mainland "accent" girl flew into the entertainment circle of Hong Kong

Carina Lau was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province in 1965. She came to Hong Kong with her parents when she was 15 years old and lived a life in Hong Kong. At that time, Hong Kong was still very exclusive because The rustic dress and the Suzhou accent mixed with dialects are often ridiculed by others.

is because of language barriers on the one hand, and family restrictions on the other. Later, she had to drop out of school and went to work in a clothing factory with her mother, relying on the money earned from daily labor to barely survive.

However, her mind did not stop there, she told herself every moment that such a life was not what she wanted. She wanted to change her fate against the sky, wanted to get ahead, and finally she decided to become an actress.

She applied for TVB's artist training class, but still because of her accent, her Cantonese is not authentic, and she was brushed off at the first application. Fortunately, she did not give up and practiced Cantonese hard, and was finally accepted when she applied for the second exam.

Looking at the Hong Kong entertainment industry at that time, there was never a lack of good-looking faces, even if it was a vase that knew nothing, the appearance was also top-notch. Compared with this, Carina Lau's appearance has added a cheesy look. It's a bit out of place.

audiences don't remember a featureless face, so when she just graduated from the training class, she didn't wait for the huge popularity she was expecting. Although

has accumulated a little fame thanks to some of the TV dramas she has starred in with big coffee, but it is incomparable with popular actresses.

However, it happened that in 1990, she ushered in the first turning point in her life. At that time, in order to be able to seek better development, she resolutely left TVB and focused on the film industry.

Fortunately, in that year, she met Bole Wang Jiawei in her life. Wong Kar-wai invited her and Leslie Cheung to co-star in the movie "The Story of Ah Fei", and it was this movie that made her officially a popular actress. Ranks.

is also from this show, people discovered that Carina Lau is no longer the country girl from Suzhou who was sour and rustic at the time. She has a beautiful, secular and vulgar charm in her bones.

Two. Kidnapped by the underworld and forced to take nude photos

1990 was a turning point for Carina Lau, and it was also the darkest year in her life. In this year, she ushered in the peak of her career, and it was also in this year that she met her life. The most reluctant to mention in

The film and television industry in Hong Kong was very profitable in those days. Many people were jealous, especially the tertiary film business. The investment was small and the return was great. However, although many porn stars emerged at the time, not every actress was willing to do it. This business.

So, at that time, Carina Lau, a Chinese girl with no power and no background, became the best candidate in the eyes of the Hong Kong gang, but Carina Lau refused to star in a third-level film.

originally this incident will slowly pass by with the passage of time, but she did not expect that she was waiting for revenge from the gang.

In April 1990, Carina Lau was invited to play cards by 曾志伟, and she was at the same seatAnd her good friend Wu Junru, who has always played cards like this, immediately went there.

was on the way, she found someone was following her behind her, so she had to speed up the car in a panic, but when she was about to reach Zeng Zhiwei's house, her car hit the barrier and stalled.

At this time, three men got off from the car following , threatening to take her away with a knife, and while struggling, she also dropped an earring on the ground.

After learning of this incident, Zeng Zhiwei immediately called the police, but the police arrived at the scene of the incident but found nothing.

It wasn't until 3 hours later that the sky was bright, and Carina Lau walked back alone. She only explained that the kidnappers were for the purpose of stealing money and did not actually assault her. She went to the police station to sell her the next day. case. After

, she continued to act as if nothing happened in her career, and won many awards along the way. The relationship with Tony Leung and became more stable. However, ten years have passed since . Two years later, her nude photos were suddenly published in the magazine as the cover.

In just half a month after the incident was exposed, she lost most of her weight, had a mental breakdown, and even thought of suicide.

Finally, encouraged by her boyfriend and friends, she decided to face this incident. At that time, a hundred artists such as Tony Leung and Anita Mui launched a protest against evil.

She stood on the stage and spoke bravely: "I am stronger than I thought."

Three. How is Carina Lau worthy of Tony Leung? Whenever it is mentioned about Carina Lau, people always think of Tony Leung for the first time. Even now, many people still think that she is not worthy of Tony Leung.

People always think that only Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung are the golden girls, and Carina Lau is too tacky. But it was precisely because of Carina Lau's tacky that Tony Leung fell.

He once said that whenever he was immersed in the play and couldn't extricate himself, as long as he thought of Carina Lau, those bad emotions would disappear in an instant. It is precisely because of the smoke and fire on Carina Lau that he can always go back and forth here. The real world.

​​Carina Lau is extroverted, he is introverted. The two are never as unfit as outsiders seem. They have been silently supporting each other where others can't see.

On weekdays, Carina Lau takes care of the housework for him. When Carina Lau is in a trough, he is always by her side.

has been in this circle for so many years, Carina Lau has already developed a heart of tenacity and tolerance, and because of this, she is the best match for Tony Leung.

The dark night at the end of

30 years ago did not defeat her, but made her reborn from the ashes.

After many years, she smiled and said in front of the camera: "I forgive all those bad things."

Carina Lau, with a strong heart, finally passed the most difficult lesson in life.


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