The editor of this article spoils the news: issac strictly prohibits unauthorized reproduction, and those who find plagiarism will file a complaint across the entire network. Congratulations, congratulations! The 38-year-old Hong Kong famous female singer and songwriter Feng Xiyu

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Congratulations, congratulations! The 38-year-old Hong Kong famous female singer and songwriter Feng Xiyu and her husband Jin Shenfeng are officially getting married, which is really gratifying.

It is understood that the couple officially registered their marriage as early as early November 2020. After getting married, the wedding banquet was originally scheduled to be held at the beginning of the next year, but due to the impact of the epidemic, the wedding banquet could only be postponed again and again.

finally got married after six postponements, and the couple was very excited.

As can be seen from the photos taken by the media from the scene, the couple chose to hold their wedding banquet at a certain star hotel in Hong Kong.

Although the entire wedding banquet was not grandly organized, there were all the necessary ceremonies. Being able to successfully complete the entire wedding banquet process despite the severe epidemic situation was considered relatively successful.

As the heroine, Feng Xiyu chose a light blue sequin wedding dress, with exquisite makeup and a petal-shaped decorative headband, looking full of fairy spirit.

As for her husband Jin Shenfeng, she chose a dark royal blue velvet suit to appear, which echoed Feng Xiyu's light blue wedding dress.

Because Jin Shenfeng has a more age-reducing hairstyle with middle-parted bangs, many netizens left comments saying: He looks a bit like a Korean male star.

In an interview with the media, Jin Shenfeng revealed that because he was going to hold a wedding banquet, he was nervous and a little excited. His sleep quality has not been good recently, and he may only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day.

What’s more worth mentioning is that after the media exposed the photos of the wedding banquet, many attentive netizens discovered that Feng Xiyu’s figure had obviously gained weight.

The arms and lower abdomen are much rounder than before, especially the abdomen is slightly bulging, which looks full of pregnancy. Therefore, some netizens are speculating, is Feng Xiyu already pregnant? Is it a double happiness for the couple?

Actually speaking of Feng Xiyu, everyone should be more familiar with her works. Due to her particularly sweet voice, Feng Xiyu also sang many popular songs in her early years.

Around 2000, Feng Xiyu officially debuted as a music composer. In the early years, under the arrangement of her agency, she also sang for nearly 200 commercials. It is no exaggeration to say that many friends grew up listening to Feng Xiyu's advertising songs.

Of course, in addition to singing advertising songs, Feng Xiyu herself has also released many popular and very listenable singles.

Songs such as "A little love", "I caught a cold in that corner", "Proud of you" and "Shining friends" have relatively high popularity. Even today, these songs are still widely sung.

Speaking of the love between Feng Xiyu and her husband Jin Shenfeng, it seems to be destined. The two met more than 10 years ago and established a romantic relationship. But later they separated due to some misunderstandings.

But a few years ago, the two of them bumped into each other on the street without warning, and then they exchanged contact information. After all, the two had been in a relationship before and knew each other relatively well, so in the end their love was rekindled and they came together again.

In mid-2020, Feng Xiyu and Jin Shenfeng made an appointment to visit Hong Kong Disneyland. As a result, when they arrived at Disneyland and the two were having fun, Jin Shenfeng suddenly knelt down on one knee and proposed to Feng Xiyu under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Feng Xiyu was so moved that she almost burst into tears, and then she decisively agreed to her boyfriend's proposal. She was quite happy.

Finally, congratulations once again to Feng Xiyu and her husband Jin Shenfeng on their successful marriage.After more than 10 years, the two finally came together, which was not easy! I sincerely hope that the two of you can be happy forever.