I still remember that Cyndi Wang successfully broke out of the entertainment industry in June in the variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 3" with a memory song "Love You", which became popular all over the Internet and became a frequent visitor on hot searches. She wore

I still remember that in June Wang Xinling successfully broke out of the entertainment industry with a memory song " loves you " in the variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 3", which became popular all over the Internet and became a frequent visitor on hot searches.

She wore the school uniform from her student days on the stage, and by singing and dancing, she evoked the memories of a group of "Cyndi Boys" from their youth. And recently on the Sangong stage, she has become a hot topic again due to her strength.

Cyndi Wang first became famous by starring in idol dramas, and then disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people without any news. Now, more than ten years later, she has come to the stage of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 3" with her former influence and love for singing. Her life has embarked on a new journey again, and her life has become more and more brilliant.

Like Cyndi Wang, they are the sisters in Riding the Wind and Waves. They interpret the story of time, live out their lives without being defined, and show the mature charm of women in their 30s. This is a group of sisters who have been treated tenderly by the years. Each of them has their own style of life.

Today we are going to talk about how women in their 30s can live out their own style.

Appreciate yourself and accept imperfect women to be more beautiful

Oscar Wilde said: Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. For most ordinary people, we may not be able to succeed despite our continuous efforts throughout our lives. Some people say that there is a ceiling for talent and ability.

In life, instead of caring about other people's opinions, it is better to reconcile with yourself, accept your not-so-good self, appreciate your shortcomings, and love yourself.

Wu Xinwu, who has worked at Kuaiben for more than ten years, has superior material conditions and an ideal life that many migrant workers dream of. However, she once said in a variety show that she is an extremely unconfident person.

once suffered from being ridiculed by the audience as just a vase in "Happy Family" because of his lack of outstanding professional skills; he once suffered from low self-esteem because he was laid off from a recorded hosting festival.

After working for so many years, she has always been a green leaf in the program team, always being a foil for others. This situation is worrying, and her work status is neither good nor bad, which worries her.

She always cares about what others think of herself. She feels that if others don't like her, it's because she hasn't done well enough. She always wants to please others. After going around in circles for many years, she realized that living a life for others was not what she wanted after all.

Later, she stepped on the stage of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" and began to face herself calmly. She trained seriously in the early stage of the show and would persevere no matter how hard and tiring she was. For her, if she completes this challenge according to her own ideas, she will not regret it after working hard.

As for what the audience will think after the program is broadcast, she doesn't care at all. When the show officially started, she was radiant on the stage, singing and dancing with ease, moving freely, and every movement was full of confidence.

Time has amazed the years, and the audience has seen another side of her. And this "she" is her true self. Although, in the end, her results were not satisfactory and she was eliminated. But so what? Everyone is unique, and confident women are the most beautiful.

No one is born perfect. Accept your imperfections and time will eventually lead you to become the person you want to be. Women who live freely have the confidence to transform themselves. They exude the unique charm of mature women and are their strong backing. Get the love of others with your strength, and create a beautiful life with your abilities.

Self-transformation, women who achieve financial independence are more wonderful

Some people say that financial independence is a long-term meal ticket. Women should be the masters of their own lives and the holders of long-term meal tickets.

I still remember the popular TV series " is good ", which made the topic of social reality soar.The heroine Su Mingyu starring Yao Chen is a sure winner in life.

Her successful life does not depend on others' charity and mercy, but on her own hard work and hard work. Although

had an unfortunate childhood and family, she did not live in the pain of her native family and felt inferior and self-pitying. Instead, she worked hard all the way to achieve financial independence and freedom of wealth.

Su Mingyu transformed from an ugly duckling into a white and rich girl. Her destiny was firmly in her own hands, and her social class also changed as a result. Everything about food, accommodation and transportation in daily life is top-notch.

Houses, cars, clothing, jewelry, etc. are all filled with the atmosphere of wealthy people. The enviable life is the transformation brought about by her financial independence.

She lives with dignity and confidence. It is the self-confidence that financial independence brings to her. Su Mingyu, who has a successful career, easily helps her family get through the difficulties of money and work. She is generous in front of her family. When she learned that her brother and sister-in-law wanted to buy back the old house but had no money, she bought it without batting an eye.

Not only that, she relied on her network resources to help introduce jobs to her eldest brother, allowing him to directly enter a famous American company. Later, when she learned that her second sister-in-law had been framed and almost lost her job, she used her super eloquence to reverse the unfavorable situation and get her second sister-in-law to get a promotion and a salary increase, taking her to a new level in her career.

She is mentally strong and has become more attractive. It is the self-confidence that financial independence brings to her. In the workplace, no matter how difficult an opponent she encounters, she can win the project with her gentle negotiation skills.

When the boss refused to meet her and made things difficult for her, she just stayed outside the boss's office for several days and refused to leave. She would do whatever she wanted, even though she knew she couldn't eat spicy food, she would still eat with the project leader.

She continues to broaden her horizons, enrich her heart, and win the respect of her boyfriend. This is the confidence that financial independence brings to her. It is said that women with successful careers have a bumpy relationship journey. The love between Su Mingyu and her boyfriend is equal, and they appreciate each other's shining points. There is light in my eyes and he is by my side. With two people in one house, three meals and four seasons, she lived a wonderful life that every woman would envy.

A woman who lives the most exciting life is one who has a strong aura, walks with style, and is financially independent and calm and confident. In this long life, we must have a hobby to accompany us to further places.

Women who have hobbies that can be rooted in their hearts are more determined.

I once saw a sentence in a book: " Everyone needs a way to release their natural creativity. You don't know that your hobbies will eventually lead you to Where. "A life with hobbies is to live in infinite possibilities.

Some time ago, Li Ziran was sued by his partnership company and became a hot search topic, arousing the indignation of netizens. However, she herself is very calm. In an interview with CCTV, she said, " Only love can last for a long time. No matter what happens in the future or what awaits me, I will uphold this love and continue to go on. "

In the interview, Li Ziran's words The determination is the confidence in that love. The years are long. May everyone hide their dreams in their hearts, build light in their eyes, and have a road under their feet.

Once upon a time, I watched a Korean literary film "Poetry". The heroine in the film is Meiko, a woman suffering from Alzheimer's . Her husband died young and her daughter is not around. At the age of 65, she lives with her grandson in poverty. In order to survive, she worked as a domestic helper in a wealthy family. Faced with the cruelty of reality and the unpleasantness of life, she still maintains enthusiasm and hope for life.

In life, she shines with confidence wherever she goes, dazzling and dazzling.She dressed fashionably and loved poetry. Although her life was trivial and boring, she finally wrote her own poems with her full love for poetry and her unremitting persistence and efforts. When she was a child, her teacher once said to her, "Miko, you will be a poet when you grow up."

Many years later, she still remembered this sentence. Although she had been lonely, the hobby that had been rooted in her heart for several years made her Face everything in life confidently and calmly.

A woman who has a promising future, a bright life, hobbies, and a confident woman who sings her songs over the years.

If we compare a woman in her 30s to a house. Then, they are residences in high-end business districts. Everyone is rushing to get them, but even if they want to buy them, they can't buy them. For them, age is just a series of numbers, and the experience, wisdom and confidence on their faces are the gentle gifts of time.

I hope every woman can ride the wind and waves on the sail of life with unlimited vitality; I hope you in your 30s can overcome obstacles and be charming on the road of life. Finally, I hope all your expectations will blossom and your confidence will bloom in the future.