Before watching the drama "Dear Child", I saw an article from the People's Daily criticizing the drama. It is said that it sells anxiety. It is said that after watching this drama, young people will not dare to get married and have children.

So my impression of this drama was somewhat compromised. Life is not easy anymore. Every day is stressful for work, life, and children! Watching TV is just to relax and not to worry about the people and things in the show.

But I heard a netizen say that the first few episodes of this drama seem really anxious and uncomfortable, but the later episodes are still very loving and touching. And I like the protagonists in it very much, Ren Suxi, Qin Hao, Nie Yuan, they are all powerful. So I decided to watch this show.

Actually, since making headlines, I haven’t had much time to follow dramas. Because I have to go to work every day, work out, do housework, read and write headlines, and play mahjong on weekends, there is not much time left. So it takes a long time to finish watching a drama.

After reading it, I think it is worth watching and I was not disappointed. Although the first few episodes are a bit anxiety-provoking, the rest is really loving and touching, and the ending is a comedy that everyone is happy with. Every actor has excellent acting skills, including He He, the little girl suffering from leukemia , who is great! Sometimes I burst into tears and was so moved!

Fang Yinuo, played by Ren Suxi, is an intellectual woman and a Chinese teacher in a key high school. She and her husband Qin Hao, starring Xiao Lu, are college classmates and have a deep emotional foundation. But after giving birth to his daughter He He, like most families with children, the family became chaotic. Xiao Lu, a first-time father, did not do as well as he expected in some areas. Especially later, Fang Yinuo was completely disappointed when he had an affair with a female client after drinking, and the two divorced!

After the divorce, Fang Yinuo banned Xiao Lu from visiting his daughter because of his hatred for him. Later, in order to satisfy his daughter's fatherly love, Fang Yinuo married Xie Tianhua, a college classmate who had a crush on him for many years. Xie Tianhua is a good husband and stepfather. He regards his daughter Hehe as a couple. Fang Yinuo is still happy after remarrying.

But the sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortunes and misfortunes! He He was diagnosed with leukemia! Children are the darlings of their parents and elders! From then on, all relatives, including Hehe's biological father, Xiao Lu, devoted all their efforts to protecting and caring for Hehe. In order to save Hehe, Fang Yinuo even decided to have another child with Xiao Lu and use the child's umbilical cord blood to save Hehe. Hehe! But Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu were both married and had their own families. It's not easy for two people to have another child!

The tour guide finally arranged a very dramatic ending. It felt like a big savior fell from the sky! Suddenly, a bone marrow donor with a matching blood type appeared, and he was also Xiao Lu’s original boss! Although he hesitated because of misunderstanding that Xiao Lu betrayed him and caused him to go bankrupt, in the end he chose to rescue him because of love and solved all the problems! It also gave the play a comic ending.

This drama was still full of positive energy until the end! But drama comes from life and is higher than life. Does it really have a good result in real life?

In order to write this review, I just searched some information about this drama on Baidu. Only then did I know that this play has a prototype. And to my surprise the archetypal story was far more angsty and tragic than this!

It is based on a true story that happened 16 years ago. The woman's surname was Yan. She and her husband had two sons. Her husband had been a domestic abuser for a long time. In 2002, she and her husband divorced. In 2003, her eldest son was diagnosed with leukemia and needed a hematopoietic stem cell transplant, but there was no bone marrow bank!

In the TV series, He He has no sisters and brothers, so there is no matching bone marrow. However, at that time, the bone marrow of Ms. Yan’s youngest son and her eldest son were very matched, but the doctor refused the transplant because the younger son was too young! After asking around, and in desperation, Ms. Yan found her divorced husband and asked her husband to have another child with her. For the sake of the child's life, her husband agreed to her request.On September 1, 2006, a baby boy was born, but life was too cruel. The baby's umbilical cord blood and the sick eldest son's bone marrow matching were not successful at all!

Ms. Yan broke through social ethics and raised two sons, which was deeply criticized by the society. Her eldest son passed away because he did not have a matching bone marrow, which made people sigh. This eldest son was the prototype of the TV series He He. He encouraged the two before his death. Little brother, be brave and tenacious! The father also abandoned his second son, who was supposed to be raised by him, to the woman and ignored him ever since. Fang Yinuo in the TV series has a job and financial ability, but this Ms. Yan has no money at all.

This is the prototype and story in the TV series "Dear Child"! Real stories around us that are more cruel than TV dramas

Life cannot be written thoroughly in a script. One thing is certain, life is more cruel than TV dramas!

Although the criticism of "selling anxiety" is rampant, I feel that the plot does not sell anxiety, but uses real life to give people a kind of inspiration, courage and strength in life!