Just in recent years, a set of nine-square photos on Weibo have caused heated discussions. These nine photos are all stills of actors who played Soong Ching Ling. One of the photos was picked up by netizens: "Who is this? It is exactly the same as the historical photo." The actor

In recent years, a set of nine-square photos on Weibo have caused heated discussions. These nine photos are all stills of actors who played Soong Ching Ling .

One of the photos was picked up by netizens: "Who is this? It is exactly the same as the historical photo."

The actors in this photo are Li Ling .

Li Ling was praised for playing the role of Soong Ching Ling most vividly, and was praised by no one for playing Soong Ching Ling.

In addition to the role of Soong Ching Ling, she also played many other classic roles, such as Teacher Miao Miao and Ruo Nan.

Li Ling was rated as a national first-class actor because of these roles. Where has this actress, who has long been an artist in the eyes of the audience, gone now, and why did she choose an unknown actor to accompany him through thick and thin?

In 1984, 26-year-old Li Ling married Li Ke, who was 13 years older than her. At this time, Li Ling was already a well-known actress. won the China Golden Rooster Award Special Award and the Xiaobaihua Award .

Their wedding was very simple. Other celebrities held it in luxurious hotels. Li Ling got married in a house of more than ten square meters renovated from a dilapidated garage.

Why did such a famous woman have such a shabby wedding?

Her husband Li Keji is also an actor, and he debuted before her. He has acted in many movies, but his roles are all supporting roles, so his salary is not very high.

Li Ling, who has always lived a frugal life, does not advocate luxurious weddings, so she simply organizes the wedding according to her husband's wishes.

Li Keji, who has been filming for so many years, has not made much progress. He has experienced so many years of wandering life, which made him want to have a stable life, so later Li Keji gave up his identity as an actor and chose to be a teacher at Beijing Film Academy , it wasn’t until the school allocated a house more than ten years later that we moved to an ordinary bungalow.

In 1979, Li Ling starred in the drama "Miao Miao" and stood out from the entertainment circle because of this drama.

starred in the drama "Miao Miao". Li Ling was very grateful to the director. He recommended this drama.

At that time, she was still rehearsing a program at the Central Theater of China. Director Wang Junzheng secretly came to their theater to observe Li Ling to see if she was suitable for the role.

The unsuspecting Li Ling had no idea that anyone was secretly watching her, but she practiced the program as usual.

After Wang Junzheng saw her performance, he decided to cast her as Miao Miao. Unaware of the situation, Li Ling returned to Dalian . There was no reason to give up casually on the actor that Director Wang liked, so he went directly to Dalian to hire Li Ling. Out.

However, it did not go so smoothly. Li Ling's drama troupe leader did not allow her to go out for filming, so Director Wang and Li Ling came to the door in person to deliver gifts and talk to each other, and then the troupe leader agreed to let her out.

After this drama was broadcast, Li Ling also became famous, but she was not satisfied with this drama. When she acted in this drama, Li Ling's acting skills were not yet mature, and many of the characters' emotions were not well grasped, and she could not live up to her own expectations. This level.

not only won the award but also met his first love and love, this person is Li Keji.

At this time, he was already a teacher at the Beijing Film Academy and had rich acting skills. In the drama "Miao Miao", Li Keji played Miao Miao's brother. The two had many interactive scenes in the drama. We often interact with each other on the set.

Li Keji, who has mature acting skills, often guides her on how to act and how to express emotions. Moreover, he is a very gentle and mature man. It was this elegant man who touched Li Ling's heart.

During the filming process, Li Ling had a crush on him. After the filming, she always took the initiative to contact Li Keji, and they fell in love off-screen.

In the year of her marriage, Li Ling participated in "The Girl from Huangshan Mountain2" which was broadcast, which once again pushed her acting career to a higher level. won the China Film Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress.

Before she acted in this drama, Li Ling was already a very mature actor. The director gave her four scripts to choose from. Li Ling, who had acted in many dramas, began to have high requirements for the scripts. When she saw "Huangshan" After the drama "The Girl Who Came Over", she decided to star in this drama.

Li Ling, who likes this drama very much, spent one night reading the script. She designed Gong Lingling’s appearance in the drama herself. In order to highlight the rural image of the heroine, she also specially studied the nanny’s daily habits and small movements. Adding it during acting makes the character more real and full. After

, Li Ling starred in a play every year. Although the output was not high, every play was a classic, and after completing a play, he won an award.

had already won two awards before starring in the "Song Qingling and Her Sisters" drama.

has acted in so many dramas, but she has not increased her performance salary because of her worth.

The famous Li Ling has been recognized by audiences across the country. Once when she was out on a train, she was recognized by others. Everyone was curious about how much an actor's salary is: "How much do you get for acting in a movie?"

Li Ling's answer Many people present were surprised: "42", she answered.

No one else believed it, because at that time the director of the factory already had a salary of 30 yuan.

Li Ling saw everyone was so surprised, she replied very calmly: "That's enough, so much is enough to live."

After playing the drama "Song Qingling and Her Sisters", Li Ling became completely popular. In order to figure out Soong Ching Ling's eyes, movements and psychological activities, she practiced her manners for several months.

During the acting process, Li Ling Trying to pursue elegant behavior, and because of this, this drama brought her acting career to the top.

This drama laid the foundation for " Shanghai Family " . The director of this drama, Li Li, chose Li Ling as her heroine. For this role, she even made a special call to communicate with the screenwriter.

When this script came out, many actors were vying for this role. Even Wu Mian, who was more senior and famous than her, was also vying for this role. However, the director still felt that Li Ling was the most suitable candidate for this role.

But Li Ling refused to play this role because she was already ill at the time. Director Li In order to persuade Li Ling, he went to see her home in person and had a heart-to-heart talk with Li Ling. At that time, Li Ling's house was still a staircase room, and the director had to work hard to climb it. After reaching the fifth floor, the elderly director's legs became unfit for walking due to climbing the stairs.

This allowed Li Ling to see her sincerity, so she finally accepted the script. In the end, it proved that the director's vision was correct, and the role of Li Ruonan was indeed very popular.

In order to live up to the sincerity of the director who personally visited the thatched cottage, she did not give up even though she encountered many difficulties in the process of acting in this drama.

She did every scene personally, always carrying various emergency medicines in her bag. In the play, she always faced the work with a positive and full mood. Her enthusiasm infected many people present.

Not only that, the drama almost failed to be aired due to financial problems. Although Li Ling was only an actor, she personally went to other companies to raise funds with the director.

In fact, Li Ling's hard work was much more than this. Before filming, she had been taking care of her sick father.

Before filming "Song Ching Ling and Her Sisters", her father suffered a stroke because of his old age. He could only lie in bed every day, and even small things like eating and bathing had to be taken care of personally.

Of course Li Ling took care of his father personally, but Li Keji felt that his wife should put her career first, and it was a pity to give up such a good opportunity. Moreover, he also saw that Li Ling actually loved acting very much, so as his son-in-law, he offered to take care of him. father in law.

He said to Li Ling: "Don't worry and go filming. I will take care of your father here."

Li Keji gave all his salary to the hospital to treat his father-in-law, which is why the two of them have been living in poverty.

Li Ling, who was not with her parents, always felt that she owed her parents. At this time, Li Keji comforted her and said: "It's okay. From now on, I will help you share the burden for my mother-in-law after get off work every day."

Li Keji, who made a promise, really fulfilled his promise and went to take care of his father-in-law for his mother-in-law every day after get off work.

His mother said to Li Ling: "Although Li Keji is more than ten years older than you, he has always taken good care of you, judging from the fact that he takes care of your father."

Li Ling said proudly: "Of course, I have found a good husband."

This made Li Ling feel that his choice was right. Although Li Keji was not rich, he had a kind heart.

Later, after Li Ling's career became more and more prosperous, everyone felt that she made a wrong decision to marry Li Keji, thinking that Li Keji was too ordinary.

Some other actors deliberately teased her in front of her: "An actor's husband gave her a gold necklace. What does he usually give you for your birthday?"

Li Ling was not angry and said: "Let's cook together. We had dinner and bought a bottle of wine, and he also blessed me with winning the award this time.”

Although Li Keji is not as rich as other husbands, she feels that she is the happiest person in the world, and she has received all the love from Li Keji.

Since 2001, Li Ling has gradually withdrawn from the entertainment industry. She has focused more on her family and taking care of her father. She has also moved to work behind the scenes, sharing her strength for various literary and artistic activities, becoming a veritable literary and artistic worker.

Nowadays, Li Ling can no longer play the same smart little girl as before. Judging from the photos of her attending events recently, Li Ling was raised by her husband to be a little fat.